I don't think you can scough at any update that brings needed features, so I greatly appreciate this one.
I have to say though, now that I'm really starting to find time to dig in, they missed a lot of really standard functions....
Just wanted to say a big thank you to the pioneer techs, when i bought the machine originally it was very disappointing, in fact it was useless. Basically ive had it for a while and never used it because I wasnt able to do what i wanted in particular
Auto Sync with NXS2000
FX were useless
No MIDI in and Out
Sync my external gear to PRO DJ CLOCK
Now with the latest firmware i can actually use this thing, well almost once firmware 1.4 comes out for my CDJs
Still on my list that hasnt been done 32 second limit and chain multiple FX but if i get them its a bonus as at least i can use this thing properly now.
Will give the new firmware a run for its money tonight!!
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I don't think you can scough at any update that brings needed features, so I greatly appreciate this one.
I have to say though, now that I'm really starting to find time to dig in, they missed a lot of really standard functions....
^ True - copy and paste trigs is a no-brainer, I really can't understand how that was overlooked.
Agree, i wouldn't call it a success its just another milestone to get the product to do something that it is supposed to. else it wont be a $1500 professional sampler. They desperately need a 'Musician' in their Product development team. This ain't a CD player or a Mixer!
I really like the Toraiz now. It can keep me busy for years and sounds amazing. I don't get this stupid 32 sec limit request, it is another social media virus kind of thing. I has been so annoying. Pioneer, please keep it up, focus on more essential things. I am impressed by the 1.2 and the sound of the device worth the asked price alone already. Best purchase in years. Thank you!
yes i liked it until this sample memory limitation got me freaked me out.
This - "They desperately need a 'Musician' in their Product development team"
I wish they would just lock someone in a room for 72 hours with the SP-16, a large pizza, and a 6 pack. Give them a flash drive full of samples and ask them to compose a song using 20+ one shots.....all of my quarrels would be addressed within a week.
@Matz while I sympathize that the 32 second limit is not important to your process, the 32 second limit is important to some of us who wanted to use the Toraiz to achieve the following:
Re: #1: While it may surprise some hip hop or electronic artists that don't play physical instruments and never learned music theory, for some of us it's insanely limiting to expect all musical passages to be reduced to less than 32 seconds. Having to think about that (I actually often hit that limit in recording) is anto-creativity.
Re: #2: Most songs are longer than 32 seconds. Many song sections are longer than 32 seconds as well, making cutting the song up a multi-step process. Not the end of the world, but certainly prevents me from being able to abandoning the Macbook as I'd hoped.
I am very upset with the manufacturer of my toaster. There have been many requests regarding a firmware update enabling it to cook Spagetti.. I even asked for al dente. Nothing yet. I think I will sell it now buying a cooking pot. Much better..
@James - Let's hope Pioneer will focus on the more fundamental fixes which are important, as defined in the update plan already adding a proper solo function (jumping back only to the PADs activated before soloing). For playing songs, people use CDJs, not the Toraiz.
@ Matz- no CDJ's here, I bought this unit to do exactly that, play my own songs.
@ Creal - I play my own songs with the XDJs / CDJs and produce them in the studio ( now with the Toraiz as an addition) first. For production, the Toraiz is now part of the setup. Once mastered and finished, or even pre-mastered to make them sound good, they go on a stick and get played. With any player. The toraiz is excellent for creating new stuff (with loops created in the studio again) playing it life adding to a set of own tracks (and others). If they work, I can now render and export them for the studio (DAW) and finish and master them. And so on. This is the concept here making good quality tunes. The Toraiz is a sampler, not a track player adding to the system. Not replacing the system or even studios and computers. This is quite a demanding ask. And unreal. And makes all people confused who have no clue what they are doing. Everyone asks for the 32 sec thing and other features just because everyone else without experience how to make music as well.
@creal " just because everyone else without experience how to make music as well" thats a bold statement. Why dont you send me over one of your top 10 charted tracks, you must have one if you in a position to make that statement.
I actually agree you don't need to 32 second limit removed to use it live but its extremely difficult to get a similar quality track while the limits in place, as its so difficult to change multiple effects on that single screen for builds and drops. Many of my build are well over a minute so if i could just play a prerecorded one then improvise everything its more usable.
Heres a track i did at the weekend where the builds are much long then 2 second and would be difficult without the limit being removed
Very nice!!!! Really like it...!
Just working on my new album.. just chilled.. 10h free download.. 50% of the tracks were done with the Toraiz and recorded in Cubase. Cheers!
@ Scott- You have some quote that has nothing to do with anything I said.....I made a general statement as a follow up to Matz, pretty much just trying to say everyone's going to use it differently. I don't know what the hell you're talking about.
@creal sorry that comment was supposed to be directed at Matz,
"Everyone asks for the 32 sec thing and other features just because everyone else without experience how to make music as well."
I think it's pretty clear that some of the "real" music makers have a legitimate need to work with samples beyond 32 seconds. I wish Pioneer would just put the issue to rest and be truthful as to why they are ignoring this. If the hardware simply can't handle samples longer than 32 seconds - just say so.