Official comment

Uhm... clicking the search field in a crate will search ONLY that crate.
Not sure what you're missing, but it works as you're asking.
Love to be able to search a single folder of playlists rather than my entire collection. My Folders are usually organized by genre and it would really shorten the looking if I could condense the search. I'm use to serato's crates library ... might be something to look at . I know this feature has been mentioned before but wondering if there has been any headroom. Thanks and keep up the great work ... with the lack of support at Serato and my recent purchase of your XDJ 1000mk2's I'm pretty much 90% converted. :)
Uhm... clicking the search field in a crate will search ONLY that crate.
Not sure what you're missing, but it works as you're asking.
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Been asking for this for years :\
Pulse, there are no crates in rekordbox.
I think he's asking if in a future version of rekordbox, it can be possible to search individual folders (like Serato's cates).
At present we can only search Collection. There is no search window anywhere else.
Crates / Playlists ... same sh!t, different software. ;)
And yes, there is...
Typing in that search box searches ONLY this playlist.
But this is for Playlists.
Folders from the tree view or shortcuts cannot be searched, correct?
If you're needing to search your explorer / finder, do that through the explorer / finder - all of that content should already be imported to your collection... in which case, I don't understand the problem.
Yes, it already is imported into collection.
But when you've got a few thousand tracks in one single folder it would be much easier to be able to search said folder alone, narrowing down the search results and making it faster to find what I'm looking for (see Traktor).
Whereas searching collection will search everything.
Try using these...
I'm not in front of my computer right now but will see what they do.
Will let you know!
They show sorting / filtering:
iPhone :)
Many of us organize our Playlists into folders... or in serato it's called making a main crate and then putting all your sub crates into the main crate. The Main crate (RB folders) is the host to all the sub crates (RB playlists). When you click on a "Folder" were your playlists are located you can not search from this. Hope that helps to clarify :)
How we doing on this subject guys? I really need this to, old serato user here and I'm used to search my library in the exact same way.
Please Pulse, please make this change happen. It can't be rocket science can it? :)
I think Eric is asking for a way to search for the contents of the BEATPORT folder without having to click and search through each individual playlist contained therein.
I think the issue here is actually part of a different problem: RB only shows you the contents of the selected playlist. It won't show you the contents of a folder or a subfolder and thus the search box only shows up when a playlist is selected.
It would indeed be great to have RB show ALL the tracks (and search box) contained within a folder, all the way through the tree.
That's exactly what we are looking for :)
Pulse's suggestion doesn't work the way I (and many other people) want it to.
I don't use playlists - all I want to be able to do is search a folder in the same way as I can my Collection.
Just give me a search box in each folder!
I miss this search/view folder contents feature !!!
Explain this to me... when you're searching, what is it you're searching for, and how is searching within a specific folder a different task than searching your entire collection?
Pulse, the thing is it's annoying to switch back and forth from libraries to collection just to search some tracks.
Moreover, if I want to mix different genders in the same set (let's say hiphop/rnb and pop in different libraries) located in the same folder, I have to switch again between these libraries.
If the folder can display the whole sub libraries content it would be A LOT MORE CONVENIENT.
Once again, nothing new on the game, other mixing softwares offer these features since ages. Rekorbox can be almost PERFECT with these simple features
Displaying / searching sub-playlists / sub-folders is not what you asked for at the start, that's a different issue.
And you don't need to switch anything - consider using the filter tools if you want to switch between genres, then use the search to find your keyword.
Honestly, I'm struggling to figure out how it is you guys are operating that the way it works now is more difficult than what you're asking. I truly don't understand. Making a video may help me see what you're talking about, and then chances are, I'll know a better way of doing it.
As I delete all metadata, the only track info I have is the actual Track Title.
So searching/filtering by any other other means is useless for me.
(I delete all tags from my music because it's more cleaner and organised for me).
The only way I can search for a track is via the Collection search box.
As I have 10 different genres it's a pain to keep going back to the main search box.
Having a search box for each separate genre folder will yield only results you want for a certain genre, instead of every track which happens to be in more than one folder.
If there's a search box for Collection, surely it can't be that difficult to add one to individual folders.
Cleaner and "more organised" to DELETE the tags? That's just backwards.
You can search by playlist (folders don't currently list / display their sub-playlist contents), simply by clicking the search box or assigning a shortcut.
There is no search within the Explorer because everything that you import is already in the collection.
I think you’re missing the point.
I don’t play from play lists, I play random sets, off the cuff, whatever fits the mood, so I have no use to make play lists.
We just want to search for tracks within each folder, geez!
If this can’t be done, then fine.
Traktor though...
Again ... if you're searching, it's already in the collection. Search there, search everything.
+1 for this request. With the same rationale as explained above...
Pulse, really, whats the problem making this work? All your competitors have done it, Serato, Traktor, Denon....
Sad to se Pioneer flipping off their customers with this easy thing to code to get done. You don't own that % of the market anymore, beware.
Sometimes its better to work with people, than to work against, and yes, we are "your people", we are your customers.
For example, why can't rekordbox import the already set hot cues on tracks bought on Beatport, Traxsource etc ? Again, Serato does it, Denon does it.
And finally, why does it take half an hour to sync my usb 3.0 Hyper X Savage on a 3.0 port with 50 new tracks with rekordbox? You have big issues, make them work.
@Karl-Erik > Your Hyper X Savage exports like a slug because Kingston did not take into account the fact that some users and software still needs to transfer small files, and as a result, the write speeds for 4k files on that drive are abysmal. This isn't a Pioneer DJ problem, it's a Kingston problem. Sorry.