With November being half over it's about time that we receive the firmware update or, at the very least, a beta version to test.
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With November being half over it's about time that we receive the firmware update or, at the very least, a beta version to test.
I will let Japan know your thoughts guys and see what we can do to get it out sooner than later.. Thank you.
I asked about a beta a while back and received no response (bad sign).
Given that the original firmware post said "autumn" for release, then it said "November", then it said "mid-November", and now it's mid-November and we don't have anything... it's not looking good. I hope the music hardware industry catches up with the rest of software creators and realizes releasing betas early helps prevent constantly missing deadlines.
I'm considering returning mine shortly if the update is not released and wait to see if Pioneer lives up to there word.
I'm sure a whole lot people would disagree but I would rather not see Pioneer rush the update but focus on getting it as close to right as possible. I have a hunch that the next firmware update will define the future of the Toraiz. Give Pioneer the time they need...
I'm with you Clay, give it to me when it's ready. The update will be my only X-Mas present after this purchase, so make it good.
Talking about rushing dodges the point of the promises they made and how software development works. It's not a set in stone thing like hardware. It's fluid. At the very least they should communicate why they're unable to meet the deadlines they've communicated.
1) Pioneer can keep releasing new firmware as often as they like. The faster they release, the faster we can discover edge cases that get fixed, resulting in a more stable product. Providing a beta now speeds up getting a good release, it doesn't prevent it in any way.
2) They said they'd release by now and they didn't. They shouldn't have even released the Toraiz in the state they did and the updates we're waiting for aren't tough to achieve. Many of them already exist in other Pioneer products. Expecting that a company we've paid a lot of money to will meet modest deadlines they've set isn't rushing them. They've already delayed twice without explanation. They're not being rushed, they're being disrespectfully non-communicative about a product that was sold based on promises they made,
Fair enough, valid points....what do you mean they shouldn't have released it in the states its in tho? it does what they said/showed, and with the soon to be released update, it will be close to on point.
I get why you say that, but they've subtly changed the release date twice already. IMHO any change requires communication and in fact they should communicate progress even if they're not late—they released a product where future updates were used in press releases to justify the price of purchase. I don't want to be negative, I want Pioneer to either do what they say they will or communicate to its paying customers why they've not done so. Too often, music equipment customers act like they're lucky to receive updates when the truth is that conpanies are over promising and underdelivering. They know this is the case. Pioneer doesn't need you to be understanding of them, it needs its customers to hold them accountable for joining the 21st century by releasing early and often and communicating progress rather than leaving us in the dark— posting cookie cutter responses about "telling the engineers in 日本". As a software engineer I feel this is yet another reason to move toward open source software on our equipment :). I'd love to be able to hack in a proper slice editor myself ;)
I totally agree with James l also feel let down. I don't think Jay's response from Pioneer was convincing it feels like a stall tactic especially when the date has changed a few times. It would be simple for them to provide us with a reason for each delay. They maybe holding off just before Christmas to excite more sales.
The statement of Mid November is accurate as we are in Mid November. Thank you for your patience and understanding that Pioneer wants to deliver the best to it's customers.....
Once out we will announce here.