Could you please send us the product link with the complete manual for this fixture request? Please have a look at this post. We need a product link or a manual in order to complete your fixture request.
On behalf of Pioneer DJ,
AtlaBase Ltd
Hello. Can you add new Fixture to Rekordbox library?
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Could you please send us the product link with the complete manual for this fixture request? Please have a look at this post. We need a product link or a manual in order to complete your fixture request.
On behalf of Pioneer DJ,
AtlaBase Ltd
Is possible to add ficture like Unknow. I try to contact seller but she is out of office. Is some chance to add ficture in short time - ASAP?
Unfortunately, we need the complete manual for this fixture request. However, you can use the following fixture which has the same channel structure and DMX values as your request. If at any point you have the complete manual available, we would be happy to add it for you.
Manufacturer: Unknown
Fixture: LED Gobo 120W
On behalf of Pioneer DJ,
AtlaBase Ltd
I tested configuration of LED Gobo 120W but colours not coresponding with real colour in moving head.
Andi received manual from seller. Gzbestlight.
I sent it via email.
Please send the manual here using a link/cloud service.
On behalf of Pioneer DJ,
AtlaBase Ltd
Can i ask you?
Did you already add fixture?
Please answer me ASAP.
Thank you.
We have answered earlier as you can see, that we need the complete manual, but we have not received that yet. Could you please send it?
On behalf of Pioneer DJ,
AtlaBase Ltd
Here is manual. Please do it today because i need use fixture in friday. Thank You.
Your fixture request has been added to the AtlaBase library. It will be reflected in the next rekordbox fixture library update (performed once a week on Wednesday or Thursday except for the national and company holidays). Please find the latest list of the library fixtures here (under Fixture library lists).
Manufacturer: Unknown
Fixture: 100W Pattern Beam Light
On behalf of Pioneer DJ,
AtlaBase Ltd