Official comment

You can, it's just not as quick / dirty as it should be. I'll have a video on this in the coming weeks.
I was really excited when I saw that RB added the phrase analysis capability. I just switched over from Serato and have been generally pleased with the product. I was in the long arduous process of putting cues on all of the phrases when the feature was added, so I was pumped.
However, it appears that during track analysis, Rekordbox makes a decision about whether the track is of conventional "pop" structure or of "dance music" structure. In the pop structure, if it decides that there are only 2 verses, you can't add a 3rd verse. That's the minor problem. The major one is that if analysis decides that the song is Dance when it's really Pop, all of the phrase categories are wrong. It's bad enough that the product is still inaccurate to the point it requires the user to manually edit basically every track, but it's much worse when you can't correct it even if you want to.
My suggestion: make all of the phrase categories available in the PHRASE EDIT options. THEN... improve the analysis to the point where manual correction is reduced.
If anyone has any suggestions for how to add the full list of categories to the phrase edit list, or how to get the analysis to work better in general, please let me know. Thanks!
You can, it's just not as quick / dirty as it should be. I'll have a video on this in the coming weeks.
Post is closed for comments.
As above please Pioneer.... sort it out quickly as I have my dmx-1 on order.
I'm having the same problems and would love some help with this. This is a great feature that I would love to use, but when it makes a "Hip-Hop or Pop" track have a "Dance Music" structure and doesn't give me the right labels is no good.
It has something to to with the "Mood" it sets for the song. How do you change the Mood so you have different label options? How does it determine the Mood?
"Rekordbox makes a decision about whether the track is of conventional "pop" structure or of "dance music" structure. In the pop structure, if it decides that there are only 2 verses, you can't add a 3rd verse. That's the minor problem. The major one is that if analysis decides that the song is Dance when it's really Pop, all of the phrase categories are wrong. It's bad enough that the product is still inaccurate to the point it requires the user to manually edit basically every track, but it's much worse when you can't correct it even if you want to."
Thank You
Ryan Richards
Sorry wrong email
One other thing, I can't seem to change the length of the phases on the enlarged waveform. It just moves the waveform and not the phrase grid. The instruction say you can edit on the enlarged waveform too.
You can change the lengths, and the "verse" or "up" or whatever are just selecting a different lighting macro, it's not necessarily reflective of the actual verse number.
Again, video coming soon.
Thanks for getting back with me but that's not what I'm asking. From my understanding after reading the instructions you could cut and change the length of the phases on the enlarged waveform in performance mode. When I tried this it just moved the waveform and not the phrase grid.
So when you analyze a track, Rekordbox makes a decision about the "Mood" of the track. If it analyzes it as HIGH MOOD you get the choices of (INTRO 1 - INTRO 2 - UP 1 - UP 2 - UP 3 - CHORUS 1 - CHORUS 2 - DOWN - DOWN - OUTRO 1 - OUTRO 2 ) for a label option. This is great for labeling EDM tracks
If it analyzes it as MID MOOD you get choices of (INTRO - VERSE 1 - VERSE 2 - VERSE 3 - VERSE 4 - VERSE 5 - VERSE 6 - CHORUS - BRIDGE - OUTRO) for a label option. This is great for labeling POP & HIP-HOP tracks
If it analyzes it as LOW MOOD you get choices of INTRO - VERSE 1 - VERSE 2 - CHORUS - BRIDGE - OUTRO for a label option. This is great for labeling POP & HIP-HOP tracks too.
If you have a Pop or Hip-Hop track and it put the HIGH MOOD on it the labels names really don't make sense for these type of tracks.
Is their a way to change this? How does it determine the Mood?
I understand you have a video coming but is their any way to just tell us how to do this, if their is a way.
I'm a nerd when it comes to my library being super organized and everything is labeled right. I don't want to put all this time into making sure things are setup perfect before I know how to do this. When I saw this feature I was excited because usually I just drop memory markers to tell were phrases start and stop but this is a way better way, but I want my labels with the right names for the song types. I want to give Rekordbox a go but support is a major key to me making the switch. I'v been on Serato sense Version 1 so this is a big move for me to make. I understand their might be some bugs to work out still and that's cooll, as long as I know that.
Thank You
Any word on the video you were going to do about changing the Mood (High - Mid - Low) of a track?
That's based on the energy level analysis, and it's not currently selectable, but we've passed along the feedback to the lighting team to allow for users to change this where warranted.
I'd still love to see that video. Please upvote the post and maybe it will get some attention from the RB devs!
Please don't. We're already aware of it and we have enough going on to need to individually reply to those.
It's all good. I wasn't asking anyone to continue adding comments to the post, just to upvote it. Even if you don't have time to put together a video yet, just a quick explanation of how to open up the other attributes and/or change the "type" of track would be super helpful.
The "type" can't currently be changed, but that will be updated in a future release.
Sooooo is that video available yet??
Is there any update?
Not at this time, sorry.
Over a year later, really? Seriously?
I'm afraid not, seen the sarcastic reply from a Pioneer employee I'm not counting on it.
I accidentally deleted the comment. "originally I had asked if there was an update on this".
Thanks Kurt, I've seen this employee comment on other posts and definitely don't like his/her tone. Very bad for business when you have someone like that representing your brand.
Yeah, still waiting. Apparently the main purpose of this functionality was just to support DMX, and not necessarily for the purpose of assisting with DJ'ing. If it worked, it would allow me to stop misusing cue points as signals for track changes. That being the case, I wish they had left it hidden (but functional for DMX) until it was a finished product.
There's no sarcasm here, only SRS replies.
And SRSLY, there have not been any updates on this yet, but it's on the list for future updates.
Pushing for this to be updated. I don't understand why all the selections couldn't be placed in 1 general 'mood' instead of having the software to decide it. Software analysis is never always accurate in reading tracks as that is repeatedly seen on basic bpm and grid analysis.
So 5 years later in 2023 - the same problem still exists. Any updates about allowing us to change the song category?
The team is aware of it but it requires some significant changes to rekordbox, so it's still planned but no timeline. Thanks again for your patience!