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DDJ 1000 cover/case

I have recently purchased the DDJ 1000 (which is unbelievable) and I was wondering if anyone new of a protective fabric cover/case that fits?



Chris West Answered

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Hey Sean, didn't know you were still around! No problems with that. ;)

Pulse 1 vote
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I thought I'd just share this one as well... here's a comparison to illustrate how a DDJ-1000 would fit in a DDJ-SC5 bag. I currently have a DDJ-SX2 in a DDJ-SC1 bag, and as you can see, the dimensions of the SX2 are bigger than the SC1 bag, and it fits just fine. By that logic, the 1000 would fit in an SC5 bag as well.

Pulse 1 vote
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Hi Chris, Yes we @ swanflight.com have already designed and built cases for these units. They can be found here

Obviously as always if any of the moderators feel our posts are against the rules of the forum please feel free to remove. We are just trying to help the members of the Pioneer Forum


Sean Dodds 0 votes
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Swanflight cases are my favorite. I have used them for DDJ-SX2 / DDJ-RX / XDJ-RX / XDJ-RX2 and I have one sitting in my office awaiting the arrival of my new DDJ-1000 ... I've used cases from a few manufacturers and these guys do outstanding work. I live in the states, so it's a little extra shipping since they are in the UK. It's worth it to me though. Big props to Swanflight!

Mike Sinclair 0 votes
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All good Mike, Glad you realised it just needed to be pushed into the case. Yes I designed it to make sure it is a really tight fit to hold it perfectly in the case. 




Sean Dodds 0 votes
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Sean, yeah, at first I thought it didn't fit... then I realized it just needed to be pushed into place. I LOVE that you left a little room under the controller to tuck some cables. VERY nice case!

Mike Sinclair 0 votes
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I saw the email of the original post and wondered about that -- glad to hear it worked out for you, and thanks Sean for being responsive! :)

Pulse 0 votes
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There have a few more being released (or in the process off). UDG and Odessey are a few to name. 


@Pulse the dimension on the DDJ-1000 on larger on two front where as the the SX2 is only larger on one. Have you able to test out the 1000 theory?

Ves 0 votes
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It would fit in the soft-bag as pictured above; the difference in size isn't significant enough for it to be a problem due to the soft padding material of the bag.

Pulse 0 votes
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I have just received a UDG U8303BL Extra Large Creator Controller Hard Case and confirm that the DDJ-1000 fits pretty much perfectly and just leaves a 1-2cm gap across each of the long edges. It certainly doesn't move around in the case at all though, well and truly wedged in place.

Barry Lovegrove 0 votes
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Bought the DDJ-SC5 and am able to confirm after removing the hard strip between the paddings and one layer of the soft padding that the DDJ-1000 fits in the bag. 

You lose some protection because one strip of the soft padding is gone and the hard strip that gives it a bit more stability. 

Ves 0 votes
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I also found the DJC-RX2. Anyone any experience with that? Looks quite compact.

Andre Tuller 0 votes
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Just to Let you know i had the SC1 bag and my DDJ 1000 didn't fit. Hope that helps someone from making an expensive mistake.

Ross Millson 0 votes
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Do we have anyone that's actually tried to fit a DDJ 1000 in a DDJ-SC5 bag?

Ross Millson 0 votes
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@Ross > Nobody here ever said the DDJ-1000 would fit in an SC1; the image I posted above shows how my SX2 fits in the SC1, and compares how the DDJ-1000 size within the SC5 bag is similar, so it would fit.

Pulse 0 votes
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Hey sorry to open this conversation back up but I was wondering if I would be able to fit my DDJ 1000 thats on the way into a Odyssey Flight Zone case for the SX 1st edition which is just a tad bit bigger in depth than the 2nd.


Drequane Lard 0 votes
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@Drequane > The DDJ-1000 would likely not fit into a DDJ-SX sized roadcase unless it had a significant amount of padding as the width is a bigger problem than the depth.

Pulse 0 votes
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@Drequane > I fit my DDJ-1000 in my DDJ-SX case, BUT you will have to make a lot of adjustments and in the end it is VERY tight so I would really recommend that you get the proper case and not have the movement and hassles of cables just barely getting the case...IMHO

Jay 0 votes
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