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DJS -1000

Can you sample with a microphone on the dJS 1000?

Ben Irving Answered

Official comment


The DJS-1000 itself doesn't have a mic input, but you could use the mic as a source to send to the unit depending on the connection configuration with your mixer.

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I have a 9oomk2... I tried with mic in the middle ser but did not work or show anything on input levels on the djs 1000

Ben Irving 0 votes
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So I worked out the mic :) I was wondering where I download project creator from?



Ben Irving 0 votes
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How are you? I have the djs 1000 and I had a few questions in order to record a sample do you need a thumb drive? Also I connected my djs 1000 to my mixer board on the display it shows and output and input but when I try to play what I sampled it doesn’t play back when I hit the pads. Was wondering if that’s bc I am not using a thumb drive? If not maybe I connected it wrong would u be able to tell what would be the right way to connect it?

Nazir Abdul 0 votes
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Also if I connect the djs 1000 directly to lap top would that be better for me to use that way?

Nazir Abdul 0 votes
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For the DJS-1000 is it the same to get into the internal memory like the Toraiz SP-16? I don't see the same option on the utility page and when I plug it into my PC or Mac I don't see the hard drive pop up either.

DJ Cruize 0 votes
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Just purchased a DJS-1000.  I am trying to use it to trigger audio samples during a set.  What is the best way to change the BPM of a sample that is assigned to a pad?  If I have say 16 samples assigned to the pads (each with a different BPM), i would like to trigger any one of them but match the BPM of the track that is playing.  The tempo slider doesn't seem to affect the BPM of the samples (and seems to only be the tempo for the sequencer).  

i know that I can go into each sample, edit the sample and change the BPM there, but that workflow is too cumbersome when doing a live set.  Is there an easier way to accomplish this?  

is there a way to indicate that the sample should sync with the master tempo set by the slider?

Thanks in advance.

ping827 0 votes
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