Official comment

You could... or you could simply assign the 900 as the audio outputs from within Traktor so you can do away with some of the cabling.
I want to purchase a 900NXS2 but I want to continue working with Traktor by controlling all 4 decks from two NI X1MK2S connected to laptop
I want to verify that I can connect the 900 to the laptop and map the X1's to all 4 channels (2 per each X1) of the 900 mixer. The idea is to use the X1's to control all 4 decks in the laptop but use the 900 strictly as a mixer
Please let me know if this is possible.
You could... or you could simply assign the 900 as the audio outputs from within Traktor so you can do away with some of the cabling.
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Is there anywhere a manual or description on how to set this up? I want the 4 audio outputs of the Pioneer 900 to come from the X1s (two channels each)
I sent a message to NI and got the following answer
"You can use up to 2 X1 at the same time and so would be able to map all 4 channels with the devices. You would simply have to make sure that your DJM900 is plugged to your computer via USB so it can be used via internal mixing mode. "
Does Pioneer agree with NI on this?
I wouldn't use it on internal mixer mode; send each channel of audio to a separate channel of the DJM and mix it there.