Do you plan on scratching or just playback?
I am thinking about replacing either the stylus, cartridge or a completely new headshell with stylus etc for the plx-500
Can anyone recommend a suitable replacement for any of the above?
Thanks in advance.
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Do you plan on scratching or just playback?
Just general playback and vinyl recording to RB.
Check out the Ortofon Concorde Digital II - they're specifically designed for use with timecode vinyl, and are super simple as it's an all-in-one design. I love mine!
Thanks for the reply. I don't use timecoded vinyl as I don't scratch. I just use the turntable for listening too, and recording vinyl onto rekordbox.
Ah, for regular ol' vinyl then I'd suggest the Concorde Club -- those are my faves.
Thanks Pulse,
I will look into it. Appreciated.
Will the Digital be ok with both timecoded and normal vinyl?
I'm a Concorde Digital owner and play vinyl as well. They will be OK with it.