Would be great to have this as an option to display or not.
Hey Pioneer,
Amazing work the DDJ-1000's, I love the idea of the monitors on the jog wheels displaying information but I would also love the idea of having the ability to completely hide all the information if needed. Having the BPM counter on the Jog Wheel display makes it all too easy to change the next song to the correct BPM without doing any beat matching by ear, and sometimes I like to practise.
As you already have the option to "Display Artwork" and "Display Cue Scope", would you also be able to implement a checkbox for "Display BPM"? Or perhaps a checkbox for "Display Jog Wheel LCD" entirely?
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Would be great to have this as an option to display or not.
I want this feature
I like this...
Also Add Phase Meter Like On CDj NXS2 plse
oh yes that would be really great!!
16 kinds of yes
Just went to post exactly the same thing.
It's pretty impossible not to glance at the BPM on that screen and does hinder beatmatching practise!
Hola a todos... Esta bien que los BPM se vean en el jog wheel pero somos muchos los que solicitamos la opción de visionar los bpms en el jog... o poder ocultarlo y ejercitar los oídos para sincronizar! Por favor valoren la petición o al menos contesten sobre el asunto. Muchas gracias...
It has been over a year since I posted this and it has not had any acknowledgement from Pioneer as far as I know. Does anyone know how to raise the priority so it can be seen at least?
Es lo más penoso... que ni siquiera contesten a una petición masiva de usuarios! A ver si retomando el tema, nos Dan una respuesta!! Animo, compañero...
@Michael > We saw it; this is in the suggestions forum - we don't often respond to these posts.
Hello Michael... pero el foro de sugerencias es este no? Hay contestación a esta sugerencia? Donde esta por favor... que estoy muy interesado y no la encuentro... muchas gracias
@Pioneer > Ah fair enough, no problem. Thanks for the reply!
The ability to see the phase meter on each deck would be really good. I love the controller already but that would be amazing for sure
Any chance of a firmware update to have the choice to remove the bpm from the Jog display???
Bought my controller only a few months back. All the advertising for this product states that you can customise the displays to your own preference.
I feel not being able to remove this alienates a large portion of your customer base who actually enjoy the process of beatmatching.
Please sort this out Pioneer.
Hi I have recently upgraded form DDJ 800. The 1000 is an awesome piece of kit, but its disappointing that you cant disable BPM/waveform in the jog display like you can on the 800.
Please Pioneer can you enable this. As its possible on the 800 it should be a really simple update to enable it on the 1000 too!
I'd say many DJs purchasing a 1000 want to beat match by ear, so don't want all this extra clutter on the display.
I also think this would be a nice option!
Yes, this, pleeaase!
+1 please