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can you guys please suggest me one software either from this list or from others?


I have been searching for the best audio recording software to record audio clearly and easily for Covoco. I've found some lists like this one which listed the best recording tools. But I am a little confused on this.
I used Audacity and it doesn't seems to be fitting my professional sound editing needs. So, can you guys please suggest me one software either from this list or from others? I am even ready to pay for the premium version if the audio recorder is good.
My needs are especially recording high-quality audio and editing them using different effects and filters.
Please suggest me the best software to edit and record audio files.

Any help will be appreciated.
Thank you.

Andrey Marshall

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Honestly, Audacity is a super-powerful editor and recorder. What features are you looking for that Audacity doesn't provide?

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