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Customise DDJ 1000 LCD jog displays



I’ve been playing around with the DDJ1000 and it would be really great if the rekordbox software would allow you to totally customise the jog wheel LCD displays. There is no reason the software couldn’t be modified to do this as an LCD can display anything. 


1) I would love love for the user interface to be able to search my library here when I start turning the scroll knob so that I don’t need to look at my computer at all. 


2) I would love to see the beats from the other deck displayed in a phase meter like on the CDJ2000s. Visually lined up against the beats from the deck that I am using. 


3) As a general rule good user interface would pretty much allow me to customise the jog display with anything from the laptop screen. 


Please upvote if you think this is great!


Official comment


Not at this time, but our team is aware of the requests. Thank you.

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Bump! Number 2 adding a phase meter would be really cool still. The option to turn off bpms will make better djs ultimately and would be a welcome feature. Love my 1000 seriously great bit of kit here's hoping an update in the future could see these tweaks added :)

bill maries 2 votes
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I do think #2, having the 4 beat indicator as on the 2000s to indicate where in the bar you are is a good idea.

At the moment the screen doesn't really give any meaningful information. You can see the waveform but can't zoom in, so it's useless.

Showing when the hot cue will 'pass go' is useless because the idea of a hot cue is that you will trigger it when it's not near the current start position.

So much potential, just needs tweaking a little.

Ant Avison 1 vote
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A little tweak that i really appreciate is the possibility to turn off the Bpm in the DDJ1000 jogs lcd and have only the waveform and cue points..i suppose that is not a difficoult job to switch on and off the elements already present in the display..

stefano bonfante 1 vote
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Yes #2, having the 4 beat indicator as on the 2000s to indicate where in the bar you are is the one that I would most want.


Really the screen should be totally customisable to suit individual preferences.

Rosstown 1 vote
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How about some basic rearranging ability?  Like, the single largest thing is the BPM?  That's the single thing I care about the least visually.  I need to see key, track length, maybe even the rest of the album art?  That's the point.  Not "give us the impractical."

dlimit 1 vote
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Number 2 would be amazing would love it if they updated that so it would do that.

bill maries 1 vote
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Hi Pioneer Dj,
Honestly, I also like the idea of editing or customizing the JOG screen.
Maybe just choose what information I want on the screen, decrease information (like ddj 1000 srt) or add (like ddj 1000).

Thanks for listening.

Raizen 1 vote
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#1 is something I'd definitely like to see if possible. I play with my laptop to de side and always have to close in to see the tracks.

Ves 0 votes
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To be honest, the idea of browsing the library on 6 lines drives me crazy. I already hate doing it on the CDJ-2000-size display, and you guys want to do that on the tiny DDJ-1000 display? Get out the reading glasses! ;)

Thanks for the feedback!

Pulse 0 votes
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Is there any news on upcoming updates to Customize the jog displays?

maikel van meurs 0 votes
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here, id like to see cover art only, when i'm switching traxx (just toggling, no loading), covert art refreshes at usb speed... (no need bpm, like on 800..)

ncx ncx 0 votes
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seriously, i really don't need the pitch fader.... apart if i try to look up, there the bpm close the pitch... i don't need to listen.


if the covert art was displayed, it should be really awesome, like on a ddj-800. it's easy to update the lcd display with same firmware than 800, keeping the big jog of the 1000 :)


edit: i feel just complexed to mix with beat sync on as it's same as looking bpm/pitching by ears looking away....


selecting covers just on lcd, will put back the feeling choosing the vinyls. !

ncx ncx 0 votes
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the best i gonna do is to put a smiley face on this damn screen :)))))

Cri 0 votes
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Yeah. Just got the DDJ 1000 about two weeks ago, but feel that I don't care for the HUUUGE BPM in the centre of the screen because when I am visually impaired and when I use the CDJs or even the XDJ RX2 at uni, I can't see the BPM so having it right up in my face is annoying. Take a listen to my latest Promo Mix and how perfect it is bar 1 or two things. Every beat is in sync. It's like I may have just used the Beat sync lol. I'm trying to learn to beat match by ear and the BPM being there really doesn't help. 


Also, to everyone that has asked for the browser to be in the screen, it's a Good Idea, but I'm sort of in agreeance with the condescending member of staff. I feel there's no need for the browser tbh because it would just overcomplicate things, especially for someone like myself who may live with low vision. Did ANYONE consider this?! I Didn't think so.

Kidsonic Music 0 votes
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any info about an jog display update for the Ddj1000, now that the 800 and xdj-xz have more options?

maikel van meurs 0 votes
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I would be really happy if I could customize what information will show on the jog wheel display.

In Native Instruments Traktor Pro, you can customize what information do you need to display. For example : BPM, time ,time remaining, key, etc.
Please implement it!

Tamas Miklos 0 votes
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HI, I've posted in another thread on this, but I really just want to have the option to turn off waveform/BPM in the jog display. This can be done on the 800, so I cant see why it cant also be done on the 1000. 



Mark Steen 0 votes
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