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Firmware update SP-16

Hi, in June if I remember correctly, the update for sp-16 should come out.
You have not left us, right?

There is a need for improvements, it is a beautiful and stable sampler but with some improvements as requested by many users it would become among the best ever.

Do not abandon us,

Marco Cortese

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Yes, improvements like two fx slots for sample and more effects are at least needed for move up from overpriced sample player to "professional sampler" as its written on the unit.

Berenique 9ine6ix 0 votes
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Yes, don´t forget us, patiently waiting ;)

I love my Toraiz, great machine, but it does need some improvements.

  • I agree, two fx slots for sample and more effects is defiantly a must for a professional sampler!!
  • Saving multiple tracks (sound/samples) as drum sets and being able to load those into an existing project with sequencer triggers. This way you would be able to load a full drum set in a useable sequence without the need to load each sample separately. 
  • Make more use of the big touch screen, using it for touching instead of too much dialing (like touching, not dialing each channel on the mixer page and a XY page for effect movements choosing different effects a la lemur style would be a great additional feature, making the Toraiz a even more unique sampler.
  • ADHR envelope is also really needed for a professional sampler.


cashcooper 0 votes
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