I think I found the problem... this isn't the solution, but for now, try addressing them above 256.
I've purchased an RB-DMX1 to control my Chauvet Intimidator Spot LED 250 and Intimidator Spot LED 150 but it's barely working, despite all troubleshooting I've done. I know the lights work fine because I had them running on a Chauvet Obey 70 controller with no issues- all channels for the lights work with that controller (gobos, colors, dimmers, movement, etc). My computer easily meets system specs (Windows 10 w/ latest updates, 16 GB ram, Intel 4GH Processor, 234 GB used / 57.9 free on drive where Rekordbox is installed) and runs Rekordbox with no almost issues, and I'm using an XDJ-RX2 controller as well. The latest drivers are all installed and firmware is updated on the RX2. I'm using all DMX cables to connect the lighting and not XLR. I just installed the latest Fixture Library update as of today 8/20/18.
Here's my setup:
Rekordbox 5.3.0 rev. 14699-13908 x64
RB-DMX1 mfd. May 2018
Routing: RB-DMX 1 out to DMX in of Intimidator 250 set to DMX channel 1. Then DMX out of the Intimidator 250 to the DMX in of the Intimidator 150, set to DMX channel 33.
Lighting setup: Fixture Library tab, chose the Chauvet Intimidator Spot LED 250 Advanced Mode and 150 advanced mode, set to channels 1 and 33 respectively
In lighting move, when I am on Venue 1 (my only venue), and I click on the Intimidator Spot LED 150 on channel 33 light blue bar, the light turns on and shows just a white spot, no gobo, no movement. When I click on the Intimidator Spot LED 250 red bar, nothing happens.
I switch to Performance mode, and with tracks phrase analyzed, I scroll through a track and the Intimidator 250 does not respond whatsoever. The 150 does, however the only things it will do is change its motion (pan, tilt) and some slight color variations of blue. I've tried dozens of tracks with different colored analyzed waveforms and auto scene colors and there's not much variation whatsoever.
I've also tried doing some testing with lighting options within performance mode and when it's on AUTO, track 2 is grayed out, even though there's a track loaded. Only when I switch to manual does it enable track 2 to be "synced" with the lights. Changing the color, position, and speed, along with the All Off buttons do work, however still with very limited functionality of the light.
Other troubleshooting I've performed includes changing the DMX channels of both the lights and re positioning them within lighting mode to those channels, and also going RB-DMX1 into the 150 and then out to the 250 to see if that would help. I've also tried switching the fixtures to be in simple mode and changed the lights themselves to the simple mode within their respective menus, to no avail. I've also tried changing the options of the fixtures in lighting mode from Moving Head 1 to Moving Head 1 (simple) while in simple mode, and that didn't work either.
What could be the issue here? Are these lights officially supported? I've spent hours trying to figure this out and I"m thoroughly disappointed, and about to return the unit.
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I think I found the problem... this isn't the solution, but for now, try addressing them above 256.
Thanks for the reply. I tried address 257 and 385 for the Intimidator 250 and address 289 and 417 for the Intimidator 150. No changes, working the same as before. What did you find to be the problem? And how can it be addressed?
Checking on this again, are you able to provide a response to the question above?