Quantize isn't on?
I had a similar experience on the DDJ-1000 where I would hit A to C on the mark but D was slightly of causing a delay.
Hello Pioneer,
I have a RX2 and expierence a delay on my hot cue D sometimes. When i press it it gives a delay of 1 beat.
I don't have this issue on Hot Cue A,B and C, only sometimes on D.
I have the newest firmware (1.32) on my unit.
Hope that you can solve this issue in the next firmware update...
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Quantize isn't on?
I had a similar experience on the DDJ-1000 where I would hit A to C on the mark but D was slightly of causing a delay.
Yes quantize is on, did you solve it with disabeling quantize?
But still Pioneer should fix this in the firmware...
Have you tried disabling Quantize?
Hello Pulse, why should i try it without quantize?
It works perfect with quantize activated on Hot Cue A,B, and C.
Only sometimes when i press hot cue D there is a delay of one beat, so in my opinion it is a firmware bug....
Just trying to work through the troubleshooting steps.
Sorry for the late respons. With quantize turned off No delay on hot cue D.
I noticed a other thing this night. When I put the channel knob on master and select for example the delay effect I will get it on both channels. Isn’t that strange? I run the latest firmware on my device.
So the hot cues are working as expected with the quantize disabled then?
And yes, you would get the delay on both channels if they're both playing live -- that's because it's applying the FX to the master, which would have both channels.
Yes if quantize is disabled it works fine. With Quantize on, sometimes I still get the delay. Only when I use a preset hot cue D, on hot cue A,B,C never had any delay when I have quantize on, isn’t that strange?
Okay than we can close the effects question. I toughed that it would only affect the player with the master light on “on”. But with master you mean master output and not the master of the desks.
Hello Pulse, This issue is still open. Maybe good to tell the delay on the Hot Cue's happens with quantize activated and when i press (for example) Hot Cue A on deck 1 and Hot Cue D on deck 2 at the same time. 90% of the time this action goes without any delay, but in 10% one of the two decks gets a delay of one beat.
So it is impossible to play and mixed with the Hot Cue use.
Can you check it with the technical team please?
Can you please shoot a video of this occurring? I'm unable to replicate it here and our engineers are almost entirely non-english speaking. Video helps.
I made this clip with my IPhone, hopefully you can view it. Do you see the delay of one beat? I press Hot Cue A and D on the same time...
Sorry, but from what I can tell in that video, you have the QUANTIZE enabled, but you hit the deck 1 slightly AFTER the beat, and with the Q period set to a full beat, that's why it's delayed. Try disabling the quantize and tell me if it does the same thing.