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Browsing Track Information: Specifics

 Hi Pioneer, can you confirm exactly what the BROWSE function looks at on the XDJ-1000 MK2 and similar models, in order to return a list to the user?

i.e. when i search for a particular Artist for tracks that i know are present on my extSSD and I can access via FOLDER > Manually scrolling to said track, not a single result is returned.

If the Artist name i'm searching for happens to be in the Title part of the track (i.e. say a remix artist eg: "Trackname (Artist being searched Remix)" it does return a result.

So am I to understand that BROWSE only searches Title of each track? Is there a way to extend the scope of the search to query the Artists name as well?

Can you also explain how this works for different file formats: .WAV, .FLAC etc that might have limited tagging?


kolovos Answered

Official comment


"Browse" doesn't search anything - it just displays all of the tracks on your device in the order that you set as default, or chosen to sort them.

If you're looking to search, that will look at a variety of fields, including the song title, artist, album, and comment.

All of this relies on you having exported the content from rekordbox to your USB device. Any files not prepared in this manner won't be available through the browsing options, only the FOLDER method. As such, the file type doesn't matter - the database created on your export drive from rekordbox will be what the unit is pulling the data from.

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Hi yes i meant holding BROWSE to trigger the search function and i have exported all the tracks im having issues with via the export controls within Rekordbox. The same issue happens, the search is ignoring anything outside of the TITLE field when searching on my XDJ 1000 MK2.

Please advise. Thanks

kolovos 0 votes
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Hi Gents any update on my question... i confirmed that everything you mention is what i have already done, yet the SEARCH function (triggered by holding BROWSE) doesn't return the correct results?

Any help is appreciated!

kolovos 0 votes
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Yes Pulse, as previously stated. No errors occur either (i check the logs).

It simply does not return the results. Could this be anything to do with the 999 limit? Although i don't see how otherwise that would mean no collection could have more than 999 tracks, surely that's not the case right?

I'm currently overseas on business but happy to provide files/info when i return to UK in the next week or so?

kolovos 0 votes
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I forgot to mention that since i asked this question back in October, i have since changed my setup and bought an XDJ-RX2... same thing happens.

Most of my tracks are in WAV format, and i specifically labelled all my music filenames to be in the convention: trackname - artist.ext

This is also why i find it even more annoying because i've taken the time to ensure all my filenames are labelled this way, meaning every track has an artist name in the filename. Why then does RB refuse to return all tracks when a search a particular artist. NOTE: some tracks ARE returned however, and i've been racking my brain trying to work out what differs between them and those that are not returned. 

My investigation leads me to believe that if that artist name is not present in the ID3 tag, then its not returned. This poses a problem however, as i previously said, 80% of my music is WAV and can't have an ID3 assigned.

kolovos 0 votes
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If that information isn't copied into the rekordbox database, then it's not available as part of the search; just having it in the filename doesn't do you any good. Use a metadata tool such as Yate (Mac) to add the information from your filename into the metadata fields available for your filetype.

Pulse 0 votes
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Hi Pulse, so just to clarify a few things... when doing a plain search of the HDD contents by going to ROOT > FOLDER > My Music Folder > Displays all tracks the XDJ-RX2 cannot just do a simple text search on the TOC (table of contents)?

I find that surprising considering any mp3 player handles that with ease. Surely the firmware on the controller can be updated to do a simple search when viewing the root of the folder no? 

Also looking into Yate its all a bit advanced, if you have managed to work out the operation to instruct Yate to grab any text string after "-" and add into the Artist meta data section of the track then do please explain how to do it, or better maybe you have a link to a YouTube vid because i'm struggling to find one.

Also how do you add meta data to WAV files? they natively don't support them so if i use Yate to do the operation, then surely the WAV files will only have teh metadata appended to them via some 3rd party database (not Pioneer's) so I will again be faced with the issue, no?

75% of my collection is WAV :(



kolovos 0 votes
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No, the search function only works on the database created during export.

For Yate, here's what I have set-up...

Open the application, click the Action Manager:

Right-click in the blank space and select New Action:

Rename the action:

Then double-click it to open it, and the action editor will open. Click Fields then double click File to Tag and it will add an action to the right pane:

In the bottom right, type anything into the box, then click Show...

You'll be prompted that the template doesn't exist, click the OK button:

You're now at the File to Tag preferences window, click the icon at the bottom, then give your new template a name:

Click Add Token and insert the fields you want it to grab from the filename, so if your WAV filename is formatted ARTIST - SONG NAME (REMIX).wav, you would possibly only add the Artist tag, then press space, then hyphen, then space again, then the Title tag, as REMIXER is an available tag, but not for a WAV file.

Click Done, close the Preferences window, the template should be selected in the Rename Your Action window, so close it as well, and you'll be prompted to save it. Give your action a name, and if you want, you can add it to one of the drop-down menus, and click Save.

Close the Action Manager window and find yourself a WAV to test it on! Here you can see my test WAV with blank metadata:

Click Actions and select your new action from the drop-down:

The action will run, adding the metadata, then click Save.

Now when I import that track into rekordbox, the data populates:

That's it!

Pulse 0 votes
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Pulse thank you so much for your efforts dude, amazing.

Just to be clear here what is the goal? To add meta tags of Artist name into the Artist field for each track, extracted from the filename... right?

Please view attached image: you can see that some music i know is not being searched by Artist name and i've added to my test files, has those tags already in place. The controller still doesn't see them. Will this make a difference?

Also you mention: "Now when I import that track into rekordbox, the data populates" 

So i need to re-import all my tracks? I have spent years tagging them, can you confirm how you mean to reimport? I am planning on doing the Yate actions on my external HDD that i use with rekordbox... i.e. the core music files! if this is not the right way to do this can you please let me know? 

I assume after i do the Yate actions, i just go to Rekordbox > File > Import > Navigate to the "Contents" music folder on the ext.HDD, right? and it will not remove the MyTags i've spent 2 years appending?


Cheers and sorry for being a headache

kolovos 0 votes
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Forgot to say they are all WAV and the screenshot is from the mac app Tag Editor, as i wanted to check that the music didnt have the tags before running the Yate actions... but they do!

kolovos 0 votes
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If your files have the tags, even if they were added after being imported to rekordbox, you can update the rekordbox library data by simply right-clicking on a track (or multiple tracks) and selecting Reload Tag.

Pulse 0 votes
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Happy New Year everyone :)


So now that i've had time to look over everything properly i see that this still doesn't make any sense. Pulse the whole point of doing the Yate tagging is to get the correct artist name and track name in the correct fields within Rekordbox, right?

Well i have just checked on a random artist and the info IS present in all the correct fields, yet when i search, say his name, on my XDJ-RX2 or XDJ-1000 MK2's it doesn't find any of them (please view the attached shot of my XDJ-1000).

So isn't this a waste of time? I'm happy to tag via Yate, but if the tags are already there then aren't i just creating a possibility of screwing up my entire collection for no gain? Please confirm.

and here are the tunes that should show under that search term below.

kolovos 0 votes
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A confirmation to my question would be hugely appreciated before i embark on a mass tagging spree... thank you!

kolovos 0 votes
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Don't know what to tell you -- I know it works when the tags are correct, so there may be something else at play with those files.

Pulse 0 votes
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Yer, I was afraid you were gonna say that Pulse :(

If i were to send the xml and some sample tracks to the Pioneer support team, you think they could help?

kolovos 0 votes
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Stick a couple of them in a Dropbox folder (or other file-share) and email me at forums@pioneerdj.com, I'll take a look and if I can't figure it out, will pass them to our engineers.

Pulse 0 votes
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Hi Pulse just wondering if you did get my email and the link to the Google Drive?

It was sent last week. Subject "FAO Pulse"


kolovos 0 votes
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Hello Pulse/ Pioneer,


Still unable to search for a tune and have it come up in my tracklistings on XDJ 1000 MK2  and XDJ-RX2. 

Have you had any luck, or any update at all. The absence of this functionality is seriously killing me. Is there anything else i can do to help?

Eagerly awaiting your reply..


kolovos 0 votes
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Hey Pulse, did you receive my email?

Can you confirm you got access and are reviewing the issue?



kolovos 0 votes
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Its been an incredible amount of time just to get any dedicated support on this issue. Please help.

At least can i reclaim the 10GB on the share drive if you have no plans to use it?

kolovos 0 votes
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Sorry, never saw a confirmation back you had added the other email address; I'm downloading the files now - you can clear them up by this time tomorrow as I will have passed them to the engineers for review.

Pulse 0 votes
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So another month, any news on my issue pls Pulse?

playing at a festival on 9th would be great to get it sorted before then?

kolovos 0 votes
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So to reference your last comment here Pulse, has there been ANY progress on my issue?

Am i still inaccurate or are Pioneer just shite?

I wholly believe the later.

Just look at when i first posted this thread.


kolovos 0 votes
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