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Rekordbox Mobile

Will there be an update for rekordbox on mobile devices after the new iPad Pro where you can control dj controllers with the IPad

Quentin Hrubant

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+1 on this.  iPad Pro is a beast, but the rekordbox app is an outdated, iPhone based poor  software that has not been updated in years.  Shame as I would love to prep on the go and utilise the tools that we have. The iPad is clearly pc class, but with no app to match

Anthony 1 vote
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No idea as we approach 2019 why we still do not have a solid RB iPad based app that can plug and play with RB > CDJs.

Looking at the new iPad Pro (with USB C) this should be a formality by now and a great solution for those (like me) that still use a laptop as hate scrolling on CDJs with USBs.




Kvaldini 0 votes
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Because software development on this scale takes time, and even if they had started that project 3 years ago, it would have been based on hardware platforms from 2015, which weren't as capable as 2018's iPads.

Pulse 0 votes
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Friends, I really like the new rekordbox app for iOS and Android, I see that you have added basic functionality for DJing, a full-fledged browser for editing tags, and recently even a simplified equalizer.

It would be nice if DJs could connect controllers such as:

ddj400, 200, 800, 1000, plx6, rr, wegoo1-4 and others.

This would be a very cool mobile setup.

You could produce controllers immediately with a phone compartment, and for existing models, you will only need the correct form of fasteners.

like that

Peter Saller 0 votes
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The rekordbox app is intended for preparation use only, not performance. If you want that, please look to the WeDJ app.

Pulse 0 votes
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