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Why ddj sx 2 works with rekorbox and ddj sx 3 does not work?
Even though mapping the controller the rekorbox does not work. I would like to work with rekorbox video

Rogério Lopes Answered

Official comment


Because the SX3 is marketed and sold as a Serato DJ controller only. Sorry!

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Pulse it is absurd that the SX and SX2 work with RB and the SX3 does not. I am working on a contract overseas and have to use an SX3 for 10 weeks and I have had to migrate my whole library to Serato to do so. This makes no sense and to be honest I am pretty annoyed that I have to do this because of ill thought out decision at Pioneer, especially given the money I have spent personally on Pioneer equipment. Please speak to whoever makes these ridiculous decisions at Pioneer and ask them to apply some common sense and at least provide a MIDI map file for those of us who are asking for it on this forum. 

Colesy 0 votes
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@Colesy > It's not absurd; the range of S-model products that work with rekordbox do so because they were released before rekordbox dj was released. There was no agreement in place with Serato for exclusivity because there was no reason. Once we released rekordbox, take a look at the length of time it took for us to produce another Serato-compatible hardware unit.

It may not make sense to you, but believe me, the reasoning is sound from a sales & marketing standpoint.

I'm sorry, but there are no plans to support the DDJ-SZ2, DDJ-SX3, DDJ-SR2, DDJ-SB3, and DJM-S3 within rekordbox.

Pulse 0 votes
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