The lighting fixture you requested already exists in the rekordbox fixture library as 'Unknown - LED Moving Head Spot'.
On behalf of Pioneer DJ,
AtlaBase Ltd
Hi there,
A 9 &/or 11 channel profile for this fixture would be great for me. These lights work great and were a bargain buy... This manual kinda sucks though.
Please note that page 3 has a lot of the same DMX info as page 2.
Also, channel 5 (in 9 channel mode) or 7 (in 11 channel mode) are labeled "dimming" but this channel is actually for shutter/strobe speed. I've found this fixture profile to be close to the ADJ Startec Stinger Spot, but when I use the Stinger profile with these lights, the default setting for this channel is a low #, so I get a slow strobe (annoying!). In other DMX software, I can correct this, but not in RB lighting which is why I am requesting this fixture profile.
Channel 6 (in 9 channel mode) or 8 (in 11 channel mode) are labeled "Linging" (whatever that means)… This is the dimmer channel. Channel 8 (in 9 channel mode) or 10 (in 11 channel mode) are program modes that cycle through gobos and the color wheel. Channel 9 (in 9 channel mode) or 11 (in 11 channel mode) seem to be an alternate pan/tilt control with the low #'s controlling pan, then going up tilt, then pan & tilt together. The higher #'s for this channel are unassigned so the lights just turn off.
Thanks in advance for the fixture profile! (See below for manual)
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The lighting fixture you requested already exists in the rekordbox fixture library as 'Unknown - LED Moving Head Spot'.
On behalf of Pioneer DJ,
AtlaBase Ltd
Thank you for the prompt response. I was just able to give both profile fixtures a try and was very disappointed to find that they are not working properly...
The biggest problem is that the strobe/shutter speed is still defaulted to a slow strobe (one flash every second or so..). I did try manually correcting the strobe in the macro editor with no success so there is clearly a problem with the strobe/shutter channel.
Also, the colors for the default macros are slightly off from what they should be, ex: yellows come out green, magentas macros come out as orangish red, green comes out blue, etc. This problem, while annoying, I could live with because when I manually edit the colors they come out truer to what they should be. It's the 1st problem that really makes these lights useless with RB DMX.
I am really hoping the mini washes that I have which you should be adding to the database this week work... If not that will be another set of lights that are useless with this setup (I have a pair of Chauvet mini kintas and a laser that don't appear to have any functionality either). Any help or advice would be appreciated.
Thank you,
Andrew Perez
So I tested the lights out with another DMX program using a stinger spot profile and realize now why the profile you have in your database does not function correctly. The manual has the wrong info for the color channel and shutter channel. the next 2 posts will have the correct information for these 2 channels in 9 channel mode.
Channel 3: color wheel
0-9 white
10-19 red
20-29 green
30-39 blue
40-49 yellow
50-59 orange
60-69 cyan
70-79 magenta
80-89 cyan/magenta
90-99 cyan/orange
100-109 yellow/orange
110-119 yellow/blue
120-129 green/blue
130-139 red/green
140-255 cycle thru 8 colors, slow (<3 seonds) to fast (>0.5 seconds)
Channel 5: Shutter
1-9 shutter off (light is on)
10-249 slow shutter speed rate to fast shutter speed rate
250-255 shutter off (light is on)
Can you please update this fixture profile with the following changes made so that it will function correctly in rekordbox dj lighting mode?
I am also wondering when you will be updating the fixture library again?
I have requested 2 sets of generic fixture profiles (these spots and also moving washes) that I would really like to use in RB lighting.
Thanks in advance for your help!
-Andrew Perez
Your lighting fixture has been updated according to your message. We assumed that the strobe channel is also open at DMX value 0. Also, the fixture has been moved under the brand Lixada, as the initial documentation was named as this.
It will be reflected in the next rekordbox fixture library update. Please find the latest update of the fixture library here.
On behalf of Pioneer DJ,
AtlaBase Ltd