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How to create folders or crates on Wedj

This and I asked by mail to support the app and never answered me, so as it is something very important to me I ask again and propose: how can I create different categories or crates or folders, or something similar to be able to organize the entire my music collection? 

Only make a list using the tag is very scarce, when for example in my case I have more than 3000 songs and not always, or rather almost never, I know for sure what I put.

Using the PC is simple, I have folders for each style, or as you want to organize, but with the app is impossible.


Alberto Nandez Answered

Official comment


WeDJ relies on your device's music collection, so however you've organized it there (within playlists, etc), is how it will appear within WeDJ. It's really designed for the beginner / intro DJ who is more of a casual user, thus everything has been kept very basic and simple.

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