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Djm tour1

Is it possible to display cue points etc on the small waveform when in browse mode on tour screen. As per the small library waveform shown on the lappy.
Please can we have the option of displaying the different key formats as the tour shows only Gm Fm etc. I have the cdjs showing 1A 2A.etc

Solid15100 Answered

Official comment


Our TOUR1 product manager has informed me that the DJM-TOUR1 does display hot cues and memory points, as well as alphanumeric track information. It could be a matter of the firmware requiring an update, but give that a shot first, and if that doesn't resolve the issue, please let us know and we can try and figure out if it's something else.

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The key issue is known, but I'm not sure about the cue points. I'll escalate this question to our Tour1 team.

Pulse 1 vote
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I believe Solid is referring to the cue points not showing whilst in browse mode on the Tour1... I have the latest firmware, but cue points are only shown when the track is loaded to a deck.

DJ Sky 1 vote
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Yes I have the same issue in the main browse window on the Tour1 , CUE points are NOT shown on the library waveform and are only shown when loading onto a deck. I have the latest firmware , also I would have expected alot more updates on this Flagship mixer considering the investment I have made. 

Also is it possible to see more intergration / Information from a DJS 1000 player that is connected via PRO LINK on the Tour Screen as currently there is nothing not even the BPM data ??



ContactJW 1 vote
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The problem is if I have a few versions of the same song I want to see which one has been prepared displayed in the library small waveform before I load it to a deck. Soi need to see cue points on the small preview wave form.

Solid15100 0 votes
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Sorry, I think there was a misunderstanding from our engineers as to where they were looking; I've asked for clarification.

Pulse 0 votes
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