Official comment

Posts are closed because:
- an answer has been provided and we don't want other users coming along posting a "me too" when quite often their issue is NOT related
- we have directed the user to file an inquiry ticket
- the content did not require further discussion or input, whether from a user or admin
I looked at the history of your posts and see that you had two posts closed: one because you were complaining that we had closed another post about scrolling on a Lenovo. That linked post was closed because the engineers were dealing with the scrolling issue and your contribution added nothing, and I noted you were using an AMD processor. The complaint post was closed because it was a complaint about our policy of closing posts. Regardless of whether or not rekordbox is working on your AMD computer, that platform is not supported and ANY issue you may encounter is thus not going to be supported either.
Your other recent post where you were asking about AMD, I provided a chart showing market penetration of AMD processors and closed it because an answer was provided; "No, not at this time."
You are welcome to post, but we are here to answer and moderate the content.