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DDJ-1000SRT FX tempo.

Does it actually know the tempo from serato of the tracks playing like rekordbox or does it listen to it and try to guess it?

Because 79bpm tracks are recognized as double the speed.

I know the 900srt had this why did pioneer cut corners on that feature like serato has?

Please fix this in a firmware update.

Dj Kvn

Official comment


Please note this from the firmware update page:


After updating the DDJ-1000SRT firmware to ver.1.02, Sampler Master Volume level of Serato DJ Pro does not sync with the SAMPLER VOL knob on the DDJ-1000SRT. If you find that the DDJ-1000SRT Sampler volume level is not appropriate, even when turning the SAMPLER VOL knob, please adjust the Sampler Master Volume level in Serato DJ Pro on your PC/Mac. For details, click here.

ver. 1.02 Update

  • The BPM values that are shown on the DDJ-1000SRT Beat FX display and in Serato DJ Pro virtual deck, did not sync.
  • Sampler sound did not come out from the headphone output when the Sampler Cue button was pressed while the Sampler volume level was at its lowest.
    The MIDI message for the Sampler VOL knob has been changed in line with this fix.
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It tries to guess, when it should just take the BPM information directly from Serato

MrGuaps 0 votes
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Great review of the SRT by DJ Mista P. Hits the nail on the head with the beat FX issues. “Why am I even trying to interpret the BPM on $1300 controller. It should be reading that from Serato.”


MrGuaps 0 votes
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^THIS! +1!! The Fx Auto bpm needs to mirror the Serato bpm info. Maybe the bpm range can be expanded? Another possible solution could be to add additional bpm ranges in the UTILITY menu of the SRT.

Chino 0 votes
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The fact that Pioneer have said they’re “Working with Serato to improve this function.” makes me hopeful that they’re going to mirror Serato’s BPM information.

If they were just adding or adjusting the BPM ranges, then surely Pioneer could do that themselves (firmware update?) without having to work with Serato 🤔🤔

MrGuaps 0 votes
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It's something that both sides had to work on, but good news - it will be added in a future update! I can't provide the date, but it will be coming this year.

Pulse 0 votes
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Hi Pulse, just to confirm. Does this mean the SRT will be reading the BPM information directly from Serato?

MrGuaps 0 votes
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That's correct - the BPM will be passed from the deck of the channel selected on the FX source dial.

Pulse 1 vote
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Anyone noticed after the update that the Master level meter doesn't work anymore?

Dj Kvn 0 votes
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