I just received my new Squid here and I'm having trouble to SYNC with Ableton. I tested with Squid being the master and slave and both ways had out of sync problems
1) I've already updated the firmware
2) Ableton as Master I have to put -30ms delay compensation on midi settings to fix the sync gap but when I play ableton it's start a little bit out of sync and after 8-16 beats it gets right on the rhythm. Another problem is that sometimes some triggers don't get read (skips some steps with no reason). I made sure that the "trigger probability" is turned off and it keeps jumping some steps in no order.
3) when I put Squid as the Master, it doesn't skips some notes but I have the same delay problem (even bigger -180ms delay) and the same time 8-16 beats to both get in sync perfectly. Always when I stop and play again it gets out of sync and takes 8-16 beats to get in sync again. Very annoying. :(
4) I'm using USB sync.... Anyone had this problem??? Normal Midi connection works better?? Anyway to fix this?? Am I doing something wrong???
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Yeah man...it’s crickets in there. I haven’t seen a post reply from anyone from pioneer here in a while.
But, what are your buffers set on you audio interface? That can help with sync tightness. Also, midi clock always takes a couple of bars to sync up tightly with Ableton...I’ve noticed this with all my Toraiz Squid, my iPad and my MPC.
Thanks for the help man.... My buffer is at 128, not much.... So probably is an Ableton problem :(
hey, i have no problems syncing my Squid from Ableton via USB on a Macbook Pro.
maybe go through the squid sync settings, they can be a bit irritating, at least to me :)
No help obviously but it should work as you expect it.
Sorry guys, I don't often stroll through the TORAIZ forum as we used to have a guy handling this section but he's since left to work elsewhere and I totally forgot!
I'll see if I can get one of our demo team who has a bit more experience with the SQUID to answer some of these questions for you.
Hi Diogo, I'm Rhythm Droid. I've just joined the Forums and I'm here to help you out.
How is this issue going?