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DJM Audacity Adobe Audition recording settings


Got a DJM-750 and I would like to record my DJ-sets.

What sample rate settings should I select?

Seen videos and read articles, forums and what not, and different people say different things and use different settings.

For my DJM-750 the sampling rate is 96 kHz according to https://www.pioneerdj.com/en/product/mixer/archive/djm-750/black/specifications/#info

And I guess

A/D Converter
24 bit
D/A Converter
24 bit

is the "Sample Format" in Audacity terms?

So based on this I would select 96 000 Hz and 24 bit in Audacity, correct?

Or should I use the default settings? (44 100 Hz and 32 bit float)

And how do you configure Adobe Audition?

And where?

And how should I configure ASIO in the DJM-750 Setting Utility?

Is there anything else I should know about?

I just want to get up and running as quickly as possible with the best settings possible.

I'm using Windows 10 BTW with a USB cable from my mixer to my laptop.


Paw:lo See above

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The DJM-750MK2 is a 24bit/48kHz device, so I expect the original 750 is the same (not 96kHz).

Audacity doesn't support ASIO devices out-of-the-box, you either have to compile a copy with ASIO support or use a 3rd party tool to convert the ASIO signal to another Windows audio driver type.

I haven't used Audition so I can't tell you what or where to configure it, just that you can likely find the audio settings all in one place.

The only settings to configure in the utility would be which channels you want outputting what signal:


Pulse 0 votes
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What is ASIO, anyway?! Googled but didn't find a good answer.

Paw:lo See above 0 votes
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What is DECK 1/A, DECK 2/B, DECK 3/C, DECK 4/D, REC? (DJ/Production Software Audio Input)

Paw:lo See above 0 votes
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And why are there 8 USB outputs?

There are only 4 channels on the mixer, not 8.

Paw:lo See above 0 votes
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1) The specs are not necessarily the audio interface specifications, but possibly those for the processing.

2) ASIO = Audio Stream Input Output; it effectively allows lower latency handling of multiple channels of audio for hardware and software than other driver formats.

3) Each is numbered as part of a stereo pair. 1/2 are grouped together, as are 3/4, 5/6, 7/8.

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