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Rekordbox 5.8.0 No compatibility issues with ATGR tools detected, Rekordbox.xml import bug remains

I've just finished testing version 5.8.0 of Rekordbox and I'm happy to report that all my Rekordbox related apps such as the DJ Conversion Utility - DJCU and Rekordbox Cue and Key Tool - Reck are fully compatible with this release.

The "import playlist" bug that was introduced with Rekordbox 5.6.1 remains.

Right-clicking any playlist or folder under the Rekordbox.xml tab (picture marked A) will import the playlist(s), folders and their tracks. For tracks that were already part of the Rekordbox collection any changes to their metadata stored in the XML (e.g. added/modified cues etc) are NOT imported.

Selecting all the tracks from the "All Tracks" list under the Rekordbox.xml tab will import the correct metadata (picture B) but not the playlist structure.

It is possible to combine both A and B, in no particular order, to get both the playlists and all metadata in the Rekordbox collection, however, this can be extremely slow.

My advice, for now, is to keep using Rekordbox 5.6.0 to import XML data in the Rekordbox collection. Use the latest version of Rekordbox to do all your daily work. Both versions can co-exist on the same computer. You need to rename the folder which contains Rekordbox 5.6.0 to something else (e.g. "Rekordbox 5.6.0" instead of the default name "Rekordbox") to prevent overwriting.

Both DJCU and ReCK will warn the user if a flawed version of Rekordbox is detected.



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