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SP-16 USB Midi Input

I'm struggling to control the sp-16 through usb midi from a computer.


The manual says to Select [USB MIDI] at MIDI I/F SELECT in the MACHINE SETTING category


I'm on the 1.6 firmware. I have no MIDI IF/SELECT option in my settings menu. I'm running cubase and I'm able to control other devices without issues, I feel like I'm missing a settinh to enable the transport controls on the sp-16

Garrett LaRue

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i just bought the sp16 and i'm also scratching my head on this thing. i can't just set a general midi channel for it? i'm not seeing midi i/f select either.


it accepts midi on all channels and you can't change it?

X Hardy 0 votes
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When you read the 1.6 manual you can see that the MIDI I/F SELECT option was removed from the menu with the update.

Chris van Oz 0 votes
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