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how to connect Traktor X1 MK2 with Rekordbox

Can anybody tell me if its possible to connect traktor X1 MK2 with my Rekordbox?

and if it is possible how...please help.


Thank you

Walter Answered

Official comment


Yep! Put the X1 into MIDI mode, open rekordbox's MIDI editor and go nuts.

One of the things you can do is open the Controller Editor application and customize the pads for specific actions / functions (eg. a latched press requiring two presses for on/off, or on only while held).

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Ok, so it took a fair amount of figuring out but basically it's all about how you configure NI Controller Editor and making sure the knobs are set right.

  • Type > Control Change (not note)
  • Mode > Toggle
  • Value > off = 1 on = 2.
  • Action = Down

Also another thing to note, the way the midi is displayed in RB is in HEX eg B02C . The way it's displayed in Controller Editor is Decimal eg CC 44.

You have to use a HEX to DECIMAL convertor to work out the corresponding numbers BUT you have to drop the first letter / number (either 9 or B) from the HEX midi.

So using the below website put in "02C" instead of B02C and you will get 44 which will be CC 44 in Controller Editor.


Then you can play with Mode eg Toggle / Gate depending on what you're trying to achieve. Also, for some button mappings, to get the LEDs to work right, you need to change the drop down in LED to Midi Out.

Ive been tearing my hair out with this so hope it helps someone!



Max Newson 2 votes
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Ok thanks i will try to connect it.. because when i put the controller in de USB port in the pc it lights up and go out again. In the midi settings in Rekordbox i see only my Djm 850...

Walter 0 votes
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Im trying to map my X1 mk2 with rekordbox. So the controller editor gives midi notes as eg G#1 but in rekordbox it's like eg 9020. 

Basically when I press play on the X1 I want the play LED to light up and stay on whilst the track is playing. 

Is this possible? At the moment I press play and it lights up while I press it but goes off after I let go. 

I just want to see what track is playing with the LED feedback etc 

Max Newson 0 votes
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I'm at the same point now. Switching from Traktor to Rekordbox but want to use my X1 MK2.

Would you like to share your NI Controller Editor Settings for me? 

I've build a complete Mapping in Rekordbox, that i can use my X1 as standalone Midi Controller. We can talk about this if you want. 

Zizero 0 votes
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