Official comment

A click in the audio means there's an imperfect portion of your audio wave which jumps, causing the click. Try trimming it at a slightly different spot.
A click in the audio means there's an imperfect portion of your audio wave which jumps, causing the click. Try trimming it at a slightly different spot.
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Yeah i know all that. What im saying though is particularly with live looping, the loop shouldnt click at all. I had a Boss RC-30 and the loops never clicked. If you exported the wav files and loop them they would click. So I surmise that modern loopers use some sort of amp envelope manipulation to ensure no clicks.
In 2020 i should be able to load a four bar sample. Set it to loop, or place it on step one bar one, and not hear a click every four bars. OR i should have fine enough control over the playback envelope, to manually set the start and stop to zero amplitude for a few milliseconds. A zero crossing function would help too.
Thanks for getting back so fast. I do appreciate the job youre doing. I really love the Toraiz, thats just the one thing that really hurts my workflow.
The SP-16 should auto detect the zero crossing on a sample and it does not. You also can't easily find it yourself because the resolution on the waveform is not high enough and the "zero crossing" indicator is a barely visible line. Telling a user that they need to trim the sample differently while not providing the tools in which to do that is a bit frustrating. Even with a perfectly looped sample that I've created on the computer and imported to the SP-16, once I start slicing it up, every slice now has the potential to "click" at its start and end point. This is an issue that should have been addressed 3 years ago.
Thank you, Midnight Music Club.
I would think these type of editing facilities are pretty rudimentary in terms of DSP power available in the SP-16, and the ability of Pioneers firmware people to implement it.
In other words, i find it totally feasible that the existing unit CAN handle the addition of these editing features. Features that would greatly improve the product.
Totally agree with the posts above, de-click is essential to some users and I'm really confused by the official response as they didn't seem to understand the problem.
This unit was designed for sampling and recording audio, not just using pre-prepared samples and loops so you may record some audio with no gap/silence that you want to loop (without a click/pop) or you may be recording a sample which has some background noise which will also click/pop if you can't return to zero offset.
De-click was actually shown in a screenshot in the very first SP-16 manual with options for different types of fade in and out, so it was developed but it was never introduced and seems to have been forgotten about.
This issue has been raised on this page may times over the last couple of years (since the unit was first on the market).
I love my SP-16, it's awesome, but sometimes you just can't sample audio without clicks or popping, You can bodge it sometimes with the ADSR or process in a DAW and then load back into the SP-16 which is a pain and pretty frustrating as this is such a basic thing and would make everything so much easier!
Could Pioneer please try to sort this out in the next firmware?
All the best,