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SQUID - Feature Request - "Scene Mode" like in the SP-16

Because the SQUID loses sync when stopped and restarted in Slave-Mode (Bug?) it would be very handy to have a "Scene Mode" like the one in the SP-16.

######## WHY?

With a Scene Mode you can play a whole fluent seamless live-set (Well, maybe 32 Scenes?) "in-sync" with the SP-16 without the need to stop and restart to get both machines in-sync again.

######## HOW?

  1. Idea
    Maybe it is possible to add this Feature into the "Pattern Set" Area?
    If already in "Pattern Set"-Mode => pressing "Shift + Pattern Set" again enters the "Scene Mode". A different color (Pattern Sets // Scenes) of the pads will visualize that.
  2. Idea
    Enhance the "Pages" of the "Pattern Set"-Mode:
    Pages 1+2 => Pattern-Sets 1 - 32 (Another new feature)
    Pages 3+4 => Scenes 1 - 32
    Again: A different color (Pattern Sets // Scenes) of the pads will visualize that.



The Scenes should save: <= MUST HAVE

  • Program Changes of all Tracks
  • Patterns of all Tracks
  • Pattern Sets of all Tracks

The Scenes do not need to save: <= NICE TO HAVE

  • Output-Settings of the Tracks (MIDI, USB, CV, ...)

Thank You!


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