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XDJ-1000 Mk2 AIFF and WAV not playing over link cable

I have 2 XDJ-1000MK2s linked with the included RJ45 cable. On the linked deck I can play mp3s fine, but when I try to play WAVs or AIFFs the song will start and then pause every few seconds until it eventually falls into an emergency loop. I have tried many different brands of flash drives, this is not the issue.

These are standard beatport encoded files and it would be ridiculous if they weren't supported.

Is this a known issue?


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mmh that's weird I play all kind of files on my friend's XDJ1000 and I never ran into this issue.

Are your XDJ's firmware up to date?

If I may ask, until what speed of flash drives did you try? I currently use a 200mb/s drive and it works wonderfully well with big files.

Did you try to swap the link cable?

This might be a stupid question, but maybe is there a setting that doesn't allow you to play WAV or AIFFs? I really think there aren't any but I figure I'd ask..

Just trying to push all the buttons and ask all the questions to get to the bottom of this :)

Daddou 0 votes
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I’ve tried this with a Samsung flash drive, a HyperX savage and now a Corsair voyager GTX. I don’t think this is a flash drive issue.

Sixtyfourbit 0 votes
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Have you looked at the ethernet port of the players themselves? Could be a damaged pin or malfunctioning jack on one of the units.

Pulse 0 votes
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It's possible the solder connection of the port to the board on one of the units is faulty... if this only ever occurs on the linked player, never the host, the issue is the transmission of the data. Here's a way to figure out which unit isn't behaving - try connecting one player directly to your computer, with the computer as the host in export mode. See if one player does it but not the other.

Pulse 0 votes
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@pulse I actually ended up doing this last night and found which player is having issues.

Sixtyfourbit 0 votes
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