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Ddj-SZ-s and Dj pro 2 problem

Hey guys. Not sure if this is the right place for this but, i need help. I am using algorithm Dj pro 2 for mac softwear. They state that the sz is natively supported however, it doesn't seem to be plug and play after all. The main issue i am having is that both decks output to the same channel on the controller. Its really messed up because all the other controls work perfectly. O tried settings in the softwear and on the utility tool, both don't work. Am I forgetting something? I set the DDJ to "non serato mode" ( key lock lit instand by mode), that changed nothing. Same issues. This happen to anyone before? I just upgraded from the SX and had no issues at all. Thanks
Vinny Answered

Official comment


You're better off using it in external mode anyhow.

Unfortunately for any further support you'll have to get assistance from Algoriddim. Sorry!

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4 days later and still no response from Pioneer on this !! 


Please help me avoid using terrible Serato.  

on a side note: everything works perfectly when using it in EXTERNAL mixer mode however once it gets switched to "INTERNAL" all the mappings are WAY off and the chaos starts. 


here is a link to my discussion with Algoriddim directly, which has screen shots of my MAC's setup and the setup using pioneer utility tool.



Vinny 0 votes
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