Have you tried in recordbox in the preferences to set up the Hot Cue AUto Load to 'Off'?
It is in the preferences for your device. You may need to have these settings stored on your USB drive and loaded to your XDJ.
When loading a track with multiple hot cues, it does this flashing preview of all the hot cues, which can make loading the track take a long time (like 5 seconds) when I need to start playing.
I don't really care about the hot cue previews, I mean it's nice for some situations, but I'd rather have speed. Also it makes browsing through tracks a slog.
How to disable? Or add a feature to disable please?
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Have you tried in recordbox in the preferences to set up the Hot Cue AUto Load to 'Off'?
It is in the preferences for your device. You may need to have these settings stored on your USB drive and loaded to your XDJ.
Thanks for your response.
I did try that before, but then it removes the hot cues from use. Which I need. I just don't need to see the flashing previews.
Maybe I did it wrong? I'll try it again.
So I didn't understand how HOT CUES are loaded. I tried this solution, and I can then "preload" the hot cues by hitting HOT CUE, which is cool!
I guess this is solved, but still it would be preferable for even a third option, to "auto preload but not load" the hot cues.
What purpose would that serve? You couldn't press the hot cue as it would then have to jump to that spot and buffer the audio, causing a stop in playback while it did that.