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XDJ-XZ Freeze

Hello, I had read here somewhere about freezes before. Never had one until yesterday. I cannot completely replicate it. But i was using 2 channel standalone mode with a 128gb usb stick. As the days before also. I played with the ping pong echo. And suddenly no control inputs where accepted anymore. Track kept playing but could not browse. Nudge, scratch, fade in and out... Nothing... Switched it off and back on and it was back to normal. Seems i caused a hickup in the firmware somehow. The session was shorter than the ones before in the same envoirment so i rule out these as influence. Pleas have a look for a flaw in the firmware. I will report if it should happen again
Twisted Answered

Official comment


Most of these issues are related to the USB drive not delivering the data as the hardware expects. Please try exporting the same playlists to a higher quality USB drive and see if the problem returns.

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I just received mine after 2 months of waiting while on back order. Been using it for about a week and running firmware 1.10. All of a sudden last night while usiing the pitch effect and changing the time parameter the machine locked up. Could not switch to another effect, menu buttons would not work and faders were unresponsive when you move them. Only thing I could do was play and pause. Im using a sandisk extreme pro ssd stick, formatted as Fat32. What gives??? Really would hate to start having problems with this thing

Leo Miralles 0 votes
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