++ I know this is an old ignored request with a not very descriptive title but would like to do the same - i.e. add activate Memory Cue panel to the MIDI mapper options.
You can map a keyboard shortcut "Show Memory Cue Panel" for each deck. But going back and forth between controller and computer sucks while performing.
No problem I thought, I'll just MIDI map it instead. It doesn't have to be the pad buttons either - I'd use shift + cue call next. That normally adds a memory cue, which I never do while performing as my tracks are prepared in advance. But it isn't an option in the MIDI settings as far as I can see.
I found another post on here somewhere where Pioneer told people to use a MIDI to keystroke mapper to accomplish things like this. I tried a few and eventually got some success, but only with the major caveat that it helps enormously if you know how to write code.
- MidiStroke - free program recommended here but it hasn't been updated for 12 years and doesn't work on 64 bit OSX. Useless.
- MidiShortcut - newer program that costs €15 but it can't handle shift + key combinations without tricking it by starting a mapping, holding down shift, cancelling the recorded key, then hitting the other key while still holding shift. Even so it never worked for me anyway. Maybe you could use it with a non-shifted button if you are willing to sacrifice something useful.
- MidiPipe - freeware and this works BUT only if you have a bit of programming knowledge and can write AppleScript to translate a MIDI code into a keystroke.
Here is what I did to get MidiPipe working:
- Create keyboard shortcuts in rekordbox for each deck to "Show Memory Cue Panel". I chose option+x for deck 1 and option+m for deck 2.
- Download and run MidiPipe.
- On the left pane of MidiPipe select "Midi In" then choose "DDJ-400" below. Click and drag "Midi In" to the right pane named "Pipes".
- You can name your pipe if you want by clicking in the drop down just below the Pipes heading.
- Click and drag "AList" from the left pane to the right pane, then select it in the right pane.
- Press the key combinations on your DDJ-400 that you want to use and note the numbers displayed in the AList results pane. For example if I press the left deck cue call next I see "144 83 127" logged but for shift + cue call next I see "144 61 127". The first two numbers are what you need for this to work. It will also log the shift button presses itself, so be sure to ignore them as no-one wants to remap the shift button itself.
- Select "AppleScript Trigger" on the left pane of MidiPipe and drag it to the right pane. Select it in the right pane.
- Paste the following into the AppleScript pane that shows up below, adjusting for your specific keystroke and button combinations:
on runme(message)
tell application "System Events"
tell application "rekordbox" to activate
# Deck 1: Shift + Cue Call Next to Option+x
if (item 1 of message = 144) and (item 2 of message = 61) then
tell process "rekordbox" to keystroke "x" using option down
end if
# Deck 2: Shift + Cue Call Next to Option+m
if (item 1 of message = 145) and (item 2 of message = 61) then
tell process "rekordbox" to keystroke "m" using option down
end if
end tell
end runme
- Wait until the "not compiled" message that looks like a button changes to "compiled". You need to do this every time you change the script.
- Add MidiPipe.app to System Preferences > Security & Privacy >Privacy > Accessibility > Allow the apps below to control your computer.
- Test your button presses and see if they do what you want in rekordbox.
- Once you are happy, select the "AList" item from the right pane of your MidiPipe window and press backspace to delete it, as you don't need to record every button press any more.
- Save your MidiPipe settings somewhere using File > Save As...
- Remember to start MidiPipe and load your saved settings every time you use your controller.
Phew. If you got that far and it works, congratulations.
If not, not to worry, I'm sure someone at Pioneer could quickly and easily add the option to do this using the MIDI mapper rather than making us go through this sort of horrible, convoluted process. If they can be bothered.