The lighting fixture you requested already exists in the rekordbox fixture library.
On behalf of Pioneer DJ,
AtlaBase Ltd
Manufacture = Beamz / https://www.tronios.com/
Model = S2500
Fixture type = Smoke machine and 4 in 1 LED PAR
Product website = https://www.beamzlighting.com/product/s2500-smoke-machine-dmx-led-24x-10w-4-in-1/
Channels = 8
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The lighting fixture you requested already exists in the rekordbox fixture library.
On behalf of Pioneer DJ,
AtlaBase Ltd
I'm sorry but I cant find this fixture either under Tronios or Beamz?
It's under BeamZ. Please make sure to check if you have the latest library installed by clicking the swirly arrow button.
On behalf of Pioneer DJ,
AtlaBase Ltd
I'm going here https://rekordbox.com/en/products/rekordboxdj/lighting/fixturelibrary.php
I don't see it....
OK, I see the problem, I'm on rekordbox.com under the fixtures section, you are in rekordbox app.