Official comment

The XZ is what you're describing.
Can anyone advise if there is a 4 channel controller / mixer with the ability to run from USBs and digitally control all 4 decks on rekordbox or tractor via a midi map.
I have found some that will do the 4 channels digitally but doesn't have the USB capability like DDJ 1000 and others that can do the USB element but not 4 digital channels like the self proclaimed Powerhouse that isn't really a powerhouse XDJ-XZ.
Help and guidance is desperately needed.
Thank you all in advance
The XZ is what you're describing.
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i have been informed by numerous people including others that work at pioneer that the XZ, although it is a 4 channel mixer, can only control 2 channels digitally as a controller
4 channels software, only 2 as USB-only.
ok, thank you Pulse, can you advise how that works on 4 channel, how dow you assign the platters to control individual channels on the software,
for example cannel 3 & 1 on the mixer is controlled by the left platter and 2 & 4 is controlled by the right platter.
i cannot see any way to switch the control between 3 & 1 and 2 & 4
also, everything i have previously been advised is that channel 3 & 4 are only for external sources which can be digital but they require their own controller
The way it switches currently is to enter the SHORTCUT screen and tap the deck switch [1/3] [2/4], but an upcoming firmware will allow you to double-tap the shift button on the controller to toggle, as well as tap the deck number in the display.
Decks 3 and 4 on the mixer section have switches to toggle the input from an external source to the PC. I think the confusion was around 1&2 as the USB can only be assigned to those two decks (not 3 or 4).
that is amazing news, thank you so much
now I know its not a pioneer product but at present in use NI Traktor as it can send a midi clock to Ableton so that I can sync both in a live performance,
2 questions for you,
1.does pioneer have midi maps for the XZ to work NI Traktor ?? (not crucial as I could map it myself with a bit of time).
2. Are there plans to add midi clock send function to rekordbox??
1. No maps, but I don't doubt that there's a user out there who has already created and shared one somewhere.
2. Yes, and the beta works great! It will be in a future update.
Also is there any way to give an XZ a thorough run through and check out all of the functions, outside of going to a dealer that is.
Is there a way to fully demo the equipment or to see them used in a real environment
You probably won't even find one at a dealer - they're all currently sold out and on back-order!
That doesn't look good for needing it this weekend then.
Back to the drawing board,
Do we know when they are due.
I am back to playing and travelling all over from this weekend and at present have issue after issue with club setups where they are not updated, or are older 2000 Nxs that dont like Catalina.
You'd have to contact a local retailer to inquire with them about their current availability; some have more arriving on order than others.
The CDJ-2000NXS2 and CDJ-2000NXS are Catalina-compatible, it's just the original CDJ-2000's which are no longer supported.