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Squid - CV slides don't get transposed

can i report a bug please? when using cv1 out on the squid, transpose doesn't transpose the cv slides. So if I have a c3>slide>c4 and live transpose by -4, i get a g#2>slide>c4 when i am expecting it to slide to g#3. Not sure how that got missed?!

Mike Answered

Official comment


I apologize for the late response.

I have replicated the behavior and you are correct. This is a bug and it has now been conveyed to the engineering team.

Thank you for bringing this to our attention, Mike.

Rhythm Droid
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I understand what you are observing. Let me test that out right now and see if I can replicate it.

Rhythm Droid 0 votes
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Hi Mike,

The engineers in Japan absolutely know about this, but I don't have any data as far as the scheduling and items addressed of the next Squid firmware update. All I can tell you is that they are aware of this issue as a bona fide bug, not as a "feature request" - which means they treat it with more urgency.

Rhythm Droid 0 votes
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