HDJ - C70 Headband Broken
I bought a pair of HDJ-C70 headphones in 2018. However, last week the headband of the headphones snapped.
I purchased the headphones expecting them to last. I look after the headphones really well and always transport them in a hard case and then broke as I was taking them off during a gig last week. I would expect more from a product of this price.
I emailed customer support Germany and got the following short and unfriendly response.
"Hello Sam,
your headphones are no longer under warranty. we can order the spare parts for you.
the price is 88 Euro plus 6 Euro shipping and tax."
I am around 6 months out of the warranty but cannot believe that Pioneer wouldn't offer more help or support to customers buying premium headphone products. These headphones broke during normal use and now I am being quoted more than the online price to have a new headband sent to me.
@Pioneer you have mentioned in previous posts that this issue would be taken care of outside of warranty. Could you clarify if this is still the case?
Thanks a lot in advance.
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