i have exactly same problem
ich hab folgendes Problem. Das exportieren der Tracks auf einen USB stick funktioniert ohne Probleme. Aber sobald ich Rekordbox neu starte und unter Gerät meinen USB Stick anklicke kommt diese Meldung
und ein paar Tracks werden vom USB Stick automatisch gelöscht. Was sehr nervig ist da ich jetzt nicht nur die neuen Tracks sondern auch immer älter, die gelöscht worden sind, erneut exportieren muss bzw. bin ich mir nicht sicher ob nach dem exportieren noch alle Tracks am USB sind. Will nicht beim Gig stehen und nicht alle Tracks dabeihaben.
Wie kann ich das Problem lösen?
Bitte um schnelle Antwort das Problem ist sehr sehr nervig ;(
Danke im voraus
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i have exactly same problem
Have you wiped out the old rekordbox 5 export and started with a new rekordbox 6 export?
Ni i didn't do this manipulation, however i came back to version 5.8.4 and it solved my problem
But if you're going to continue using rekordbox 6, you'll need to format the USB drive and re-export - see this FAQ for details.
I deleted all tracks from the usb, reformatted the usb and then exported the tracks from rekordbox 6
I would like to stay at record box 6 and not have to switch to 5 again.
So you're saying that the original post was using a drive that was entirely prepared and exported from rekordbox 6?
i reformatted the usb before i use rekordbox 6, then i exported the tracks from rekordbox 6 and by the next time i opened rekordbox tracks were deleted automatically.
Have you used the sync manager, and do you have the preferences set to automatically update your device?
Hi, I can confirm that I am getting the same error.
After formatting and syncing the usb using R6, if I take the USB out and put it in again as if to sync again, I usually would click on the device under the Devices header and it will sync. However now if I click it, my playlists will all be deleted but the music will still remain in the USB.
@Zwi > As above; have you previously used the Sync Manager, or do you have auto export enabled?
Auto export option was set to off. Yes you can stop the issue from happening if you click on Sync Manager every time you plug in your USB (instead of clicking on the device) however there is still some weird problem, on my xdj rx it starts saying that my usb is full when I try to record even though I have say 10gb free.
Windows 10 btw.
The auto export is disabled.
i use this to export
Please kindly review https://forums.pioneerdj.com/hc/en-us/community/posts/360062014772-Rekordbox-Removing-Tracks-when-syncing-to-USB
@CDJ/DJM (change your name please! lol)
I'll pass this back to our rekordbox team. In the meantime, I'm going to suggest you stop using the sync manager (I've never liked that thing anyhow).
@Zwi > Have you possibly left files in the trash on that device? Empty the recycling bin while the drive is connected and see if that makes a difference.
I have just cleared the trash with device in it as well. My USB is as fresh as it gets, formatted and everything.
Used sync manager with no issues for a long time now, since 6 its started deleting everything
even if i don't use the sync manager and export the tracks and playlists manually, the tracks will be deleted the next time.
Try this...
Format the drive, give it a new (unique) name, open rekordbox, export a playlist. Quit rekordbox, open rekordbox again with the drive connected - does it delete the songs / playlist?
Are you using Windows as well?
that's exactly what i did and yes tracks are deleted anyway.
yes i use windows
the funny thing is that not everything but only a few tracks and playlists are deleted
I just want to confirm that the drive name was unique (never used by rekordbox before)?
the usb was used with r5 but was reformatted before r6
can not be that I need a new one just because I've already used it r5 although it was reformatted
And have you been certain to disable the Sync Manager?
I tried a lot and found that I just can't click on the usb. ok at the moment but annoying if you can't see what's on the usb and what's not
Sorry, I don't understand - what do you mean by you "can't click on the USB"?