Official comment

Still on the request list, sorry.
Dear Pionner
In my big Post of the 16 MOST important feautures in rekordbox, here is one more:
STICKER LOCK an All Serato DJ Vinyl Function.
Wy? Because rekordbox lose more then more market place in the DVS DJ Section and its important to come back to the basic: DVS and DVS Battle Mixers. The rekordbox Software miss a lot of TURNTABLE Function - and i hope you will see this.
Still on the request list, sorry.
Post is closed for comments.
Before I decide on Rekordbox or Serato, did Rekordbox get sticker lock sorted out yet?
No, sticker lock never got added
Pioneer dragging their heels on something so basic. Sort it out Pioneer!!!
I have to be honest, if it is so important for you, why not use a product that does have it?
You're not being forced to use Rekordbox. There are options.
I moved away from Traktor because they didn't have the features I wanted. Or capable to release them in a timely manner.
Just like will switch to Serato if the S11 doesn't get Sample Scratch which is on the FLX6, once Serato releases their rumored improved library.
I suppose could do that, but I really like certain other aspects of Rekordbox, therefore I would like them to fix this. Not asking for too much really
"Dragging their heels" -- you make it seem like this is the only thing that they have on the list to add.
From what I have been reading on this forum, it has been going on for years!!! I'd say that's dragging heels. No???
Again, this is not the only product or only feature request. Thanks for your patience and understanding.