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[Fixture Request] ETEC LED Magic Ball DMX

Hy Fixture Team,

pls add this cheap & trashy china "magic ball" to the library:

ETEC LED Magic Ball DMX (etec-professional.de)


here is the dmx table:

sorry it's only available in german (bad translated english). i've already tested the other "magic balls" you already added to the lib but doesn't fit.


big thx for adding this device!





Daniel Ventura Completed

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Your fixture request has been added to the AtlaBase library. It will be reflected in the next rekordbox fixture library update (performed once a week on Wednesday or Thursday except for the national and company holidays). Please find the latest list of the library fixtures here (under Fixture library lists).
However, please don't expect the fixture to be fully functionable because only specific DMX lighting fixture features – such as the dimmer, strobe, color and moving head (Pan/Tilt) – can be controlled with [LIGHTING] mode.
The fixtures, which have other features than the above, may not work as expected. Features like Gobo, along with some effect lights, lasers, fog machines and all-in-one lighting systems aren't supported.
Additionally, your screenshot is not clear. Is channel 1 dimmer? And is it 0-4 and 5-255 or 0-5 and 6-255?

Manufacturer: ETEC
Fixture: LED Magic Ball DMX

On behalf of Pioneer DJ,
AtlaBase Ltd

Pavlos Mavridis - Capture Visualisation 0 votes
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We are sorry but the DIGIT fixture example doesn't help. Could you please tell us if channel 1 is a dimmer? And is it 0-4 and 5-255 or 0-5 and 6-255?

On behalf of Pioneer DJ,
AtlaBase Ltd

Giannis Chalkias - AtlaBase 0 votes
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i was able to contact the vendor and got the original mapping in english:

they told me ch 1 is exclusively a strobe effect beginning from 5 the strobe changes from fast to slow.

hope this helps?

Daniel Ventura 0 votes
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Thank you for the information. If channel 1 is strobe, could you please tell us what channel 5 is used for?

On behalf of Pioneer DJ,
AtlaBase Ltd

Giannis Chalkias - AtlaBase 0 votes
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according to ETEC ch5: 0-255 does the same as ch1: 0-5 strobe on/off

don't know who had this strange idea. 

Daniel Ventura 0 votes
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That seems strangle ideed. We have updated the fixture in the library.

It will be reflected in the next rekordbox fixture library update (performed once a week on Wednesday or Thursday except for the national and company holidays). Please find the latest list of the library fixtures here (under Fixture library lists).
However, please don't expect the fixture to be fully functionable because only specific DMX lighting fixture features – such as the dimmerstrobecolor and moving head (Pan/Tilt) – can be controlled with [LIGHTING] mode.
The fixtures, which have other features than the above, may not work as expected. Features like Gobo, along with some effect lights, lasersfog machines and all-in-one lighting systems aren't supported.


Giannis Chalkias - AtlaBase 0 votes
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i asked etec about the purpose of this double strobe channel. they told me its all about the dmx channel range, in ch5 it is way more precise configurable than on ch1.

Daniel Ventura 0 votes
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Unfortunately, the information provided is vague and we cannot go on with other changes unless we get clear information on the fixture's DMX details.

On behalf of Pioneer DJ,
AtlaBase Ltd

Pavlos Mavridis - Capture Visualisation 0 votes
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Hy AtlaBase Team,

i finally got some time to check this mapping and you're right (and the manual is wrong) ch1 value 0-255 is the dimmer. problem now seems to be that it's not possible to turn the light completely off when putting the master dimmer to zero (it stays on very low dimmed). on other lights it works fine to get shut them completely off. only value 0 and 1 are dimming the lights to off as i tested. maybe you can fix this?

thx in advance for your help!

Daniel Ventura 0 votes
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In conclusion, is channel one dimmer linear from 0-255 or is it dimmer from 0-4 closed, and from 5-255 from 0%-100%?

On behalf of Pioneer DJ,
AtlaBase Ltd


Pavlos Mavridis - Capture Visualisation 0 votes
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i finally got found some time to investigate the problem a little bit it's indeed so that we need to fix the dimmer to 0-255 and it works fine.

Daniel Ventura 0 votes
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