Official comment

It could actually be that the drivers are not loaded properly - I'll direct you to please file an inquiry ticket here and our support team will gather some additional information to assist you in resolving this issue. Thanks.
I have a USB wire from my mixer into my new Macbook Pro. I have updated the mixer firmware and downloaded the disk utility and configured it to USB 1 to 'REC OUT' and all others to use the CD/Line output.
When trying to select it as an output in my sound settings, it does not show as an option; I cannot choose it as an option to record into Audactiy either.
Please may you help me so I can record a mix in this lockdown!
It could actually be that the drivers are not loaded properly - I'll direct you to please file an inquiry ticket here and our support team will gather some additional information to assist you in resolving this issue. Thanks.
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Hi Jessica,
Have you opened System Preferences > Security & Privacy > Privacy (tab) > Mic (left) > Audacity (right) and checked it to allow it access to the audio input?
Let us know if that works.
Hey, yes that is checked already :) Any other ideas?