Official comment
Hi DJ SINless,
Thank you for taking the time to compose and share your message. I will send it up the chain.
Go aisatsu. Watashi no daiichigengo wa eigodesunode, shitsureishimasu. Sā watashi wa anata no kaisha ga takuetsu-sei no tame ni doryoku suru koto ni kansuru anata no shimei seimei o sonchō suru koto o kongan suru anata no tokoro ni kimasu.
Watashi wa anata ga hanbai suru ToraizSP - 16 seihin no hokori takai shoyū-shadesu. Kanpekina mashin ni suru tame ni kōshin ga hitsuyōdesuga, sutaffu ga hitsuyōna henkō o okonau koto o nozomanai ka, dekinai yōdesu. Tekisetsuna kaizen ni yori, anata no seihin wa sore ni ataisuru watashitachi no gyōkai de sonkei o atsumerudeshou.
Anata no kokyaku ni se o mukenaide kudasai, watashitachi wa anata no rīdāshippu ga hitsuyōdesu. Kurieitibu to shite setsujitsu ni hitsuyō to sa rete iru, nagaku enki sa rete ita fāmuu~ea no kaizen o sutaffu ga teikyō dekiru yō ni shite kudasai. Kono tegami ga anata no chūi o hiki, genzai to shōrai no ryōhō no subete no ToraizSP - 16 shoyū-sha o tasukeru tame ni kōdō o okosu koto o anata ni shiiru koto o negatte imasu.
Hi DJ SINless,
Thank you for taking the time to compose and share your message. I will send it up the chain.
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you shoud put the english version on here too so we can read it... google translate doesn't understand this format