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CDJ400 rekordbox

Want to start DJing again and I have my 2 CDJ400 hooked up on my computer.

i can get audio from both players in rekordbox, but I can not seem to get them to control the player. 

if I play deck 1 in recordbox, audio comes from CDJ1 if I play  deck 2 in rekordbox the sounds comes out of CDJ 2

but can I also control my decks with the CDJ 400? (play, cue, tempo)

I saw a youtube where it works, but can't seem to figure it out

jelle speltincx

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Hi Jelle,

If you don't have a rekordbox license (version 5) or a subscription / hardware unlock device (version 6), you will need one of those things to use the CDJs as HID controllers for the software.

Let us know if you have any other questions.

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i tried the 30day trial of the core licence to see if it works, and it works flawless.

Now I have one more question,

If i buy a controller like the DDJ400, do I automaticaly have a core subscription and can use my second setup? or still have to pay every month. If so i'm considering buying a small controller 

jelle speltincx 0 votes
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No, the DDJ unlocks "free" access to the software which is similar to CORE minus the DVS setup. You can still use rekordbox for free without a controller, but you just don't have access to a couple of features (like MIDI control).

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So if I understand this correct:

if I buy a Pioneer Hardware with hardware unlock with DVS, i can use my CDJ400 as controller without an monthly payment?

(if so, it would be interesting to either upgrade my old mixer to a 750MK2 or a 450, or to buy the inerface 2 so i can use my technics also with timecode or buy a DDJXP2 so I have pads to use also)

jelle speltincx 0 votes
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Correct; the CDJ-400 itself is not a hardware unlock device, but yes, if you have an XP2 or other mixer connected, you would have access to use the CDJ as an HID controller.

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Cool, thanks for the support. Done some research now and have one more question:

If I buy a Pioneer interface 2, can I use rekordbox in 4 decks?

2 decks timecode and 2 decks HID mode from the CDJ400's?

this would be an awesome set-up

jelle speltincx 0 votes
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No, unfortunately only one audio device can be used by rekordbox at a time. Sorry.

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Thank you very much for the information.

I think I will buy a DDJ-XP2 looks like a nice add to my set and then I can use recordbox to all of my needs

jelle speltincx 0 votes
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