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Sequencer Toraz SP-16

I cannot get the sequencer to play more than one step. It will play the step and then stop. I cannot get it to record on the step sequencer, as well. Its a Used unit,   I can load samples just fine, and get loops to play but, I cannot make drumbeats.  The record function seems to not work or the step sequencer as well. On the 1st step, the step is illuminated by a white light on the 1st step. How do I get this thing to work? Seems like an awesome piece of gear but, can't get the step sequencer to work and that is why I purchased the unit. Got it used on Reverb.com

Roscoe Willis Answered

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yo, you've probably figured out by now that you need to switch the SYNC SOURCE of your sp-16 in order to successfully start the sequencer.

samples set to LOOPS will of course play when manually triggered but that's because they are freely looping opposed to looping ON the sequencer.

if you couldn't find this info in the manual (cf. below) it's not because you missed it. You couldn't find i because it is not located in the official TORAIZ SP-16 OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS. the info is instead found in an equally important though rather luridly titled document named: "FIRMWARE VERSION.1.60 OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS ADDENDUM".

i'm sure there's a good reason why AlphaTheta seems committed to addendendizing (probably not a word) their manuals opposed to releasing a single updated document, but there you go.


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