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Pioner cdj 3000 pair whit djm v10 connected to traktor pro latest.Both decks plays out of one channel.

I have been used windows 11 previously 10. no matter the same issue.    

So two decks pioneer cdj 3000 whit djm v10 mixer connected to Traktor pro- using two USB cables for each deck.

Problem is. Designating decks -to deck A as Ch1 and  deck B as ch2 

Decks responding on Traktor pro, but when I press play. On mixer djmv10  deck A, it plays one Ch1, so it's good. Then I play Deck B, which also plays on Chanel 1. Which is not good.

I tried different settings on Traktor pro, and the problem is the same. If I connect the record box, both decks play on separate channels. But on Traktor pro, both decks use only one Chanel.

my laptop is

Processor    Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-8750H CPU @ 2.20GHz   2.21 GHz
Installed RAM    16.0 GB (15.7 GB usable)
System type    64-bit operating system, x64-based processor.

All drivers are new as on Pioneer-Traktor pro & Windows 11 And as pioneer drivers for Windows. All pro-Dj links, aggregator , USB, and others downloaded from official pioneer web. 

Any help, please, as I'm really like the Traktor pro layout.


I know there is a possibility to play throw USB to others, but all this is not about that.

Ramunas Juskevicius Answered

Official comment


Set the DJM-V10 as your audio device, and make sure the Traktor preferences are such that it's configured for external mixer mode and each deck's output is set to a different channel on the V10.

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