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Error E-8305 with WAV Files

Hello, I am having a problem with my music files when trying to play them on some machines.
I have a 64GB kingston 3.2 flash drive and a 1TB Toshiba hard drive and both had problems trying to put some songs on. They both have their file system on FAT32.
I tried it on a CDJ 2000 NXS2 and a XDJ 700 and both gave me the error E-8305 "UNSUPPORTED FILE FORMAT".
It's weird because I only have WAV files on both drives and both machines allow WAV files. The bit depth and sample rate are also what the machines use.
Another important fact is that it happens to me with several music files that I buy and download from Bandcamp. Also I have to mention that I use Rekordbox to export my music to my drives.
Please if anyone knows how to fix it I would be very grateful!

Santi Rivera

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It may be playable if you re-encode it with another app. (WAV → WAV)

tomo 0 votes
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Like opening it with Audacity and then exporting it as WAV without doing nothing else? Should I change something there?

Santi Rivera 0 votes
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I only know the following

It may be playable if you re-encode it with another app. (WAV → WAV)

Convert WAV to WAV using the app.

tomo 0 votes
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