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Toraiz: Are you still working on Firmware Improvements? (SP-16 // SQUID)

It would be really nice, if we could get an official statement, if your Dev-Team ist still working on Firmware-Improvements of the SP-16 and/or SQUID.

And, if yes, with a list of planned features.


Official comment


Hi Torben and Harry,

I truly wish I could give you official information from the development team, but the setup is more of a one-way communication.  The features and update suggestions so helpfully offered here ARE requested by the development team and the are conveyed - but an official statement of "update is planned for xxxx date" has not been conveyed to me.

Rhythm Droid
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Anyone from Pioneer Team still reading this forum like they used to do in the past?

Harry Tuttle 0 votes
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I think they have ceased the further development of their products.

The prices are dropping in the online stores...

The Squid started with 599,- €.

Now it's 467,- € in stores.

Torben 0 votes
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Like consoles, a 5-6 year timespan is where the product normally has reached its peak value from a customers POV, after 1-2 years it should be all around "usable".

With that regards the SP-16 is an amazing machine, I use it daily for quickly and effectively do beats :)

Its sweet price is probably around 850-950,-EUR, where I'd recommend anyone to buy it even with v1.6 "as is". A mk2, which had a 2.0 OS with all suggested stuff working should be then around 1299,- imo. So the price drop we see is just sorting the Toraiz machines realistically into the marketplace.

Harry Tuttle 0 votes
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@Harry Tuttle: I think the "correct" price for the SP-16 is 600-700 € in mint used condition.

A MK2-Version must compete with the elektron-stuff, the 1010music blackbox, Roland MC 707, Akai Force, Akai MPC and other very cool gear.

The Toraiz Devs should really build a machine that blows everyone's mind off.

In another thread I "ranted" a little bit about the SP-16 and the Squid.

But that's because I like the two machines from an aesthetic point of view. They look and feel great. But the Software is not very thought out.

For quick jams, yes they are fun. The "Running Direction" on the Squid is very cool!

But for a whole show? They are near useless. Especially the Squid.

And - first of all - especially for me... ;-)

Torben 0 votes
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@Torraiz :

first of all Squid is a very nice niche sequencer! It would be sooo nice if you could bring us some cool updates in the future.  It seems to be a cool littl3 community of users here. 

Angel 0 votes
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