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DDJ 400 Faders and Knobs issues / Potentiometers info

I am having some malfunction problems with my DDJ 400, I mean, the left channel volume fader gets totally unstable when I push it all the way up no max or all the way down to  0. Sometimes I just cant manage to reach max level, or, when I do, it gets crazy, moving a bit down and up by itself, which is obviously messy.

Then, more recently, it started to also happen with the CFX level button, which is showing a similar behavior, I barely touch it and the FX level starts to act by itself, turning a bit clockwise and counter clockwise fastly and, when I try to clockwise max, it stucks at 80, 70% max.

Since Pioneer doesnt have any authorized support spot in Brazil, and aware that is a hardware problem, I just ask you guys to tell me the potentiometers specs used on my controller, so I can at least try to fix it by my own, replacing the FX and volume faders internal parts.

Can someone help me please?


Thanks in advance.

Rubim Carvalho Answered

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Hey Rubim,

I'm sorry to hear about this issue -- typically it occurs when the DDJ is not receiving adequate power over the USB connection. Please try using a different USB cable, a different port on the computer, or a powered USB hub. If you still have issues, there is always the chance it's the DDJ itself. We do have an authorized service provider in Brazil and they would be happy to start helping you if you file an inquiry ticket here. Thank you!

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